ລິ້ງ ສຳຫລັບເຂົ້າຫາ

ວັນເສົາ, ໒໗ ກໍລະກົດ ໒໐໒໔

ຢູເຄຣນ ເຄື່ອນໄຫວ ເພື່ອສ້າງ ຄວາມເຂັ້ມແຂງ ໃຫ້ແກ່ ເສດຖະກິດ ແລະການຢຸດຍິງ (ວີດີໂອ/ສະໄລດ໌)

ຢູ​ເຄຣນ ​ໄດ້ເຄື່ອນໄຫວ ໃນ​ວັນ​ອັງຄານ​ວານ​ນີ້ ​ເພື່ອເສີມຄວາມ
ເຂັ້ມແຂງໃຫ້ແກ່​ຄວາມສຳພັນກັບຢູ​ໂຣບຕາ​ເວັນ​ຕົກໃນ​ຂະນະ​ທີ່ ​
ຊ​ອກຫາຊ່ອງທາງ ເພື່ອໃຫ້ມີການຢຸດ​ຍິງຢ່າງເປັນການຖາວອນ
ກັບພວກ​ກະບົດ ​ແບ່ງແຍກ​ດິນ​ແດນນິຍົມຣັດເຊຍ ໃນເຂດພາກ
ຕາເວັນອອກຂອງປະເທດ ທີ່ຢູ່ໃກ້​ກັບ​ຊາຍ​ແດ​ນຣັດ​ເຊຍນັ້ນ.
​ບັນດາ​ສະມາຊິກສະພາ ໄດ້ໃຫ້ສັດຕະຍາບັນ ຕໍ່ຂໍ້​ຕົກລົງ​ກັບສະຫະພາບ​ຢູໂຣບ ທີ່ສະມາ
ຊິກ 28 ປະເທດ ທີ່ໄດ້ຫລຸດການເກັບພາສີການໃຫ້ໃຫ້ຕ່ຳລົງລະຫວ່າງຢູ​ເຄຣນ ແລະ​ປະ
ເທດຕາ​ເວັນຕົກ ແລະ​ບັງຄັບ​ໃຫ້ຢູ​ເຄຣນ ປະຕິບັດຕາມມາດຕະຖານ ດ້ານ​ລະບຽບການ

Ukrainian Leader to Seek Greater US Support on Visit
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ອະດີດ​ປະທານາທິບໍດີ​ ທີ່ສະໜັບສະໜູນຣັດ​ເຊຍ ທ່ານ Viktor Yanukovych ​ໃນ​ປີ​ກາຍ
​ໃນ​ນະຄອນ Kyiv ທີ່​ໄດ້​ບັງຄັບ​ໃຫ້ອະ​ດີດ​ປະທານາ ທິບໍດີທ່ານນີ້ ຕ້ອງລາອອກ​ຈາກ​ຕຳ​ແໜ່​ງ. ຣັດ​ເຊຍ​ໄດ້​ຕອບ​ໂຕ້ຄືນ​ໂດຍ​ການປະ ກາດໂຮມເອົາແຫຼມ Crimea ເຂົ້າເປັນດິນ
ແດນສ່ວນນຶ່ງຂອງຕົນ ​ແລະໃຫ້ການ​ໜູນ​ຫລັງ​ແກ່ພວກແບ່ງ​ແຍກ​ດິນ​ແດນທີ່ເປັນພັນທະ
ມິດ ​ທີ່​ໄດ້​ສູ້​ລົບ​ກັບກຳລັງ​ທະ ຫານ​ຢູ​ເຄຣນ ຢູ່​ໃນພາກ​ຕາ​ເວັນ​ອອກຂອງປະເທດ ນັບ​ຕັ້ງ

ຂໍ້​ຕົກລົງ​ການຄ້າດັ່ງກ່າວຈະ​ຍັງບໍ່ມີຜົນບັງຄັບໃຊ້ຢ່າງ​ເຕັມ​ທີ່ຈົນ​ເທົ່າປີ 2016 ຊຶ່ງເປັນການ​ປະ​ນີປະນອມ​ ທີ່​ແນໃສ່ເພື່ອຫລຸດຜ່ອນຄວາມຢ້ານກົວຂອງຣັດ​ເຊຍ ທີ່ວ່າ ຕະຫລາດ​ຂອງ​ຕົນ​ອາດ​ຈະ​ເຕັມ​ໄປ​ດ້ວຍ​ສິນ​ຄ້າ​ລາຄາ​ຖືກ​ຈາກ​ຢູ​ໂຣບ.

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Ukraine moved Tuesday to strengthen ties with Western Europe, while seeking to boost prospects for a lasting truce with pro-Russian separatists near the Russian border.<br /> <br /> Lawmakers ratified a deal with the 28-member European Union that lowers trade tariffs between Ukraine and the West, and requires Ukraine to meet European regulatory standards. &nbsp;<br /> <br /> Former pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych&#39;s move last year to reject the same association agreement in favor of closer Russian ties sparked months of protests in Kyiv that eventually forced the former president from office. &nbsp;Russia countered by annexing the Crimean peninsula and backing allied separatists who have battled Ukrainian forces in the east since April.<br /> <br /> The trade deal will not take full effect until 2016 -- a compromise aimed at easing Russian fears that its markets would otherwise be flooded by a rapid influx of low-cost European goods.<br /> <br /> Lawmakers in Kyiv also passed legislation granting three years of self-rule to the Russian-speaking eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. &nbsp;That bill also backs local elections there in November.<br /> <br /> A separate bill grants amnesty to separatists who have not committed war crimes.<br /> <br /> Russia&#39;s Ria Novosti news agency quoted rebel leader Alexander Zakharchenko as saying separatists will study the legislation before commenting on it.<br /> <br /> Moscow did not immediately comment on the Ukraine moves. &nbsp;Russia has been advocating a centralized federal system in Ukraine that would permit eastern regions to veto some decisions of the Kyiv government. &nbsp;Such a system also would allow eastern regions freedom to establish their own foreign relations.</p> <p></p>