ບັນດາຄອບຄົວ ຂອງນັກຂ່າວຍີ່ປຸ່ນ ແລະນັກບິນຈໍແດນຄົນນຶ່ງ
ກຳລັງລໍຖ້າຄຳ ຖະແຫລງກ່ຽວກັບຊາຕາກຳຂອງບຸກຄົນທັງສອງ
ໃນຂະນະທີ່ເສັ້ນຕາຍໄດ້ຜ່ານພົ້ນໄປອີກເທື່ອນຶ່ງ ໃນການແລກ
ປ່ຽນນັກໂທດ ໂດຍບໍ່ມີຂ່າວຄາວເພີ້ມເຕີມໃດໆ ຈາກກຸ່ມລັດອິສ
ລາມ ທີ່ຈັບໂຕພວກຜູ້ຊາຍທັງສອງໄວ້ເປັນໂຕປະກັນນັ້ນ.
ຂໍ້ຄວາມທີ່ເປັນສຽງບັນທຶກຊຶ່ງອ້າງວ່າເປັນຂອງນັກຂ່າວ Kenji
Goto ກ່າວວ່າ ນັກບິນທະຫານອາກາດຈໍແດນທີ່ໄດ້ຖືກຈັບກຸມ
ໂດຍກຸ່ມອິສລາມ ທ່ານ Mu’ath al-Kasaesbeh ຈະຖືກສັງ
ຫານ “ໃນທັນທີ” ນອກຈາກວ່າ ຈໍແດນ ປ່ອຍໂຕ ນາງ Sajida
al-Rishawi ຊຶ່ງເປັນຜູ້ຍິງທີ່ພວມລໍຖ້າການປະຫານຊີວິດ ໃນ
ຈໍແດນ ຍ້ອນບົດບາດຂອງນາງ ໃນໂຈມຕີດ້ວຍລະເບີດຢ່າງຮ້າຍແຮງ ຢູ່ທີ່ນະ ຄອນຫຼວງ
Amman ເມື່ອເກືອບ 10 ປີກ່ອນນັ້ນ ກ່ອນຕາເວັນຕົກດິນໃນວັນພະຫັດວານນີ້.
ໃນວັນພະຫັດດວານນີ້ Jordan ກ່າວວ່າ ຕົນຈະພິຈາລະນາ ປ່ອຍໂຕນາງ Rishawi ກໍຕໍ່
ເມື່ອຫລັງຈາກ ໄດ້ຮັບຫລັກຖານວ່າ ທ່ານ Kasaesheh ຍັງມີຊີວິດຢູ່.
ພໍ່ຂອງ ທ່ານ Kasaesheh ໄດ້ຂໍຮ້ອງໃຫ້ປ່ອຍໂຕລູກຊາຍຂອງລາວ ໃນຂະນະທີ່ເສັ້ຕາຍ
ສຽງບັນທຶກທີ່ເຊື່ອວ່າເປັນຂອງທ້າວ Goto ນັ້ນ ບໍ່ໄດ້ໃຫ້ຄຳໝັ້ນສັນຍາວ່າ ໂຕ ປະກັນທີ່
ຖືກຈັບໂດຍພວກຫົວຮຸນແຮງຈະຖືກປ່ອຍ ເພື່ອເປັນການແລກປ່ຽນກັບນາງ Rishawi.
ທ່ານ Kasaesheh ເປັນທີ່ເຊຶ່ອວ່າ ໄດ້ຖືກຈັບ ຫລັງຈາກເຮືອບິນລົບຂອງລາວໄດ້ປະ
ສົບອຸບັດເຫດຕົກ ຢູ່ໃນຊີເຣຍ ໃນເດືອນແລ້ວນີ້ ໃນຂະນະທີ່ປະຕິບັດງານຖີ້ມລະເບີດໃສ່
ກຸ່ມລັດອິສລາມ ທີ່ເຂົ້າຍຶດເອົາຂົງເຂດອັນກວ້າງໃຫຍ່ ຢູ່ໃນຊີເຣຍ ແລະອີຣັກ. ລາວມາຈາກເຜົ່ານຶ່ງທີ່ສຳຄັນຂອງຈໍແດນ ທີ່ໃຫ້ການສະໜັບສະໜູນຢ່າງແຂງຂັນ ຕໍ່ການປົກຄອງ
ປະເທດ ໂດຍລາດຊະວົງ Hashemite.
ການຢັ່ງຫາງສຽງໄດ້ສະແດງໃຫ້ເຫັນວ່າ ມີການຄັດຄ້ານຢູ່ໃນຈໍແດນ ບໍ່ຢາກໃຫ້ ປະເທດເຂົ້າໄປພົວພັນ ໃນກຸ່ມແນວໂຮມພາຍໃຕ້ການນຳພາຂອງສະຫະລັດເພື່ອ ສູ້ລົບກັບກຸ່ມ
The families of a Japanese journalist and a Jordanian military pilot continue to await word on their fate as yet another deadline for a possible prisoner swap passed with no further word from the Islamic State group holding the men hostage.
An audio message purportedly from the journalist, Kenji Goto, said the pilot, Mu'ath al-Kasaesbeh, would be killed "immediately" unless Jordan released by sunset Thursday Sajida al-Rishawi, an Iraqi woman on death row in Jordan for her role in a deadly bombing in Amman nearly 10 years ago.
Jordan on Thursday said it would consider releasing Rishawi only after receiving proof that Kasaesbeh is still alive.
Kasaesbeh's father appealed for his son's release just as the deadline expired.
The audio recording believed be the voice of Goto does not promise that either of the hostages held by the militants will be released in exchange for Rishawi.
"This in an ongoing matter so I will refrain from commenting on the situation on the ground. While gathering information, analysing and asking for cooperation from Jordan, we are giving our all to the release of Kenji Goto."
"We have been receiving various one-sided messages from IS (Islamic State group) including the 72-hour deadline, but we will maintain our basic stance and continue doing our utmost in a steady and calm manner while prioritising the release of the Japanese citizen and not yielding to terrorism."
Kasaesbeh is believed to have been captured after his jet crashed in Syria last month during a bombing mission against Islamic State, which has seized large parts of Syria and Iraq.He is from an important Jordanian tribe that strongly supports the country's ruling Hashemite monarchy.
Polls have indicated there is opposition in Jordan to the country's involvement in the U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State.
Last week, Islamic State militants released a video showing Goto holding pictures of another Japanese hostage, Haruna Yukawa, apparently beheaded.In the video, a man's voice directly addresses Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, accusing him of responsibility for Yukawa's death.
Goto is believed to have been captured by Islamic State last year while trying to rescue Yukawa.
Mr. Abe, while on a recent tour of the Middle East, announced $200 million in non-military aid for countries fighting Islamic State militants.
The Islamic State group threatened last week to behead the Japanese hostages unless it received a $200 million ransom.The demand for money has not been repeated in recent statements.