ລິ້ງ ສຳຫລັບເຂົ້າຫາ

ວັນພະຫັດ, ໑໓ ມີນາ ໒໐໒໕

ຜູ້ຕ້ອງສົງໄສ ໃນການຍິງສັງຫານ ຢູ່ເມືອງ Dallas ແມ່ນນັກລົບເກົ່າ ອັຟການິສຖານ

ທ້າວ Micah Johnson ຜູ້ຕ້ອງສົງໄສ ໃນການຍິງສັງຫານ ຕຳຫຼວດ ຢູ່ເມືອງ Dallas
ທ້າວ Micah Johnson ຜູ້ຕ້ອງສົງໄສ ໃນການຍິງສັງຫານ ຕຳຫຼວດ ຢູ່ເມືອງ Dallas

ຜູ້​ຕ້ອງ​ສົງ​ໄສ​ທີ່​ຖືກ​ຂ້າ​ຕາຍ ​ໃນ​ການ​ຍິງ​ສັງຫານ​ຕຳຫຼວດທີ່​ເມືອງ Dallas ລັດ​ເທັກ​ຊັສ ​ແມ່ນນັກ​ລົບ​ເກົ່າ​ ທະຫານ​ກອງໜຸນຂອງ​ກອງທັບ​ສະຫະລັດ ທີ່​ເຄີຍ​ໄປ​ປະຕິບັດ​ໜ້າທີ່ ຢູ່ອັຟກາ​ນິສຖານ​ມາ​ແລ້ວ ອີງ​ຕາມ​ເຈົ້າໜ້າ​ທີ່​ກະຊວງ​ປ້ອງ​ກັນປະ​ເທດ​ສະຫະລັດ.

​ເຈົ້າໜ້າ​ທີ່​ຕຳຫລວດ ລະບຸ​ໂຕ​ຜູ້​ຕ້ອງ​ສົງ​ໄສ​ວ່າ ​ແມ່ນ​ທ້າວ Mican Xavier Johnson ຈາກ​ເຂດ Mesquite ​ຊຶ່ງ​ເປັນຊານ​ເມືອງຂອງ​ເມືອງ Dallas. ລາວ​ໄດ້​ຖືກ​ຂ້າ​ຕາຍຫຼັງ​ຈາກ​ໄດ້​ມີ​ການ​ປະ​ເຊີນ​ໜ້າ​ກັບ​ຕຳຫຼວດ ​ໃນ​ຕອນ​ເຊົ້າວັນ​ສຸກ​ວານ​ນີ້. ຕຳຫຼວດກ່າວ​ວ່າ ​ໄດ້ມີ​ການ​ພົບ​ເຫັນ​ວັດ​ຖຸ​ເຮັດ​ລະ​ເບີດ ​ແລະແກັດ​ອາວຸດ​ຢູ່​ທີ່​ເຮືອນ​ຂອງ​ທ້້າວ Johnson ​ໃນລະຫວ່າງ​ການ​ກວດຄົ້ນມື້ວານນີ້.

Dallas Shootings Reveal Deep Divides
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ມີ​ຕຳຫຼວດ 5 ຄົນ​ເສຍ​ຊີວິດ​ແລະ​ອີກ 7 ຄົນ​ໄດ້​ຮັບ​ບາດ​ເຈັບ ​ໃນ​ກ​ານດັກ​ຍິງ​ທີ່ເກີດ​ຂຶ້ນ ​ໃນລະຫວ່າງ​ການ​ປະ​ທ້ວງ ຕໍ່ຕ້ານ​ການ​ສັງຫານ​ຜູ້​ຊາຍ​ຊາວ​ອ​າ​ເມຣິກັນ ​ເຊື້ອສາຍ​ອາ​ຟຣິກາ​ໂດຍ​ຕຳຫຼວດ.

ນອກ​ນັ້ນ ຍັງ​ມີ​ພົນລະ​ເຮືອນ 2 ຄົນ​ໄດ້​ຮັບ​ບາດ​ເຈັບໃນ​ການ​ຍິງ​ໂຈມ​ຕີ​ເຈົ້າໜ້າ​ທີ່​ຕຳຫຼວດ ທີ່​ຮ້າຍ​ແຮງ​ສຸດ ນັບ​ແຕ່​ການ​ໂຈມ​ຕີ​ກໍ່​ການ​ຮ້າຍ​ເມື່ອ​ວັນ​ທີ 11 ກັນຍາ​ປີ​ 2001 ເປັນຕົ້ນມາ.

ລັດຖະມົນຕີ​ຮັກສາ​ຄວາມ​ປອດ​ໄພ​ພາຍ​ໃນ​ຂອງ​ສະຫະລັດທ່ານ Jeh Johnson ກ່າວ​ ໃນວັນ​ສຸກ​ວານ​ນີ້ວ່າ ​ເປັນ​ທີ່​ປາກົດ​ວ່າ​ມື​ປືນ​ໄດ້​ດຳ​ເນີນ​ການ​ຕາມ​ລຳພັງ​ພຽງຄົນ​ດຽວ.

ທ້າວ Johnson ກ່າວຕໍ່​ຕຳຫຼວດ ​ໃນ​ລະຫວ່າງ​ການ​ປະ​ເຊີນ​ໜ້າ​ກັນ​ວ່າ ລາວ​ບໍ່ພໍ​ໃຈ​ໃນ​ ການທີ່​ຕຳຫຼວດ​ໄດ້​ສັງຫານ​ພວກ​ຜູ້​ຊາຍ​ຜິວ​ດຳ ​ແລະ​ລາວ​ຕ້ອງການ​ຢາກ ຈະ​ຂ້າ​ຄົນ​ຜິວ​ຂາວໂດຍ​ສະ​ເພາະ​ຕຳຫຼວດຜິວ​ຂາວ.​ ລາວ​ຍັງ​ກ່າວ​ວ່າ ລາວ​ບໍ່​ໄດ້ເຮັດ​ວຽກ​ຮ່ວມ​ກັບ​ກຸ່ມ​ໃດ.

ຫລັງ​ຈາກ​ການ​ເຈລະຈາ​ເປັນ​ເວລາ​ຫຼາຍຊົ່ວ​ໂມງ ຊຶ່ງ​ມີ​ຂຶ້ນຢູ່​ໃນ​ບ່ອນ​ຈອດ​ລົດ​ນັ້ນ ທ້າວ Johnson ​ໄດ້ຖືກ​ສັງຫານ​ໂດຍ​ລະ​ເບີດ ​ທີ່​ຫ້ອຍ​ໄປ​ກັບ​ຫຸ່ນ​ຍົນ​ຂອງ​ຕຳຫຼວດ.

Attack on Dallas Officers Followed Shootings by Police
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The slain suspect in a deadly attack on police officers in Dallas, Texas, was a U.S. Army Reserve veteran who served in Afghanistan, according to U.S. defense officials.

Law enforcement officials identified the suspect as Micah Xavier Johnson of Mesquite, a suburb of Dallas. He was killed following a standoff with police early Friday. Police say bomb-making materials and a weapons cache were found at Johnson's home during a search Friday.

Five police officers were killed and seven other officers wounded in the ambush, which occurred during a protest against police killings of African-American men.

Two civilians were also wounded in what was the worst attack on U.S. law enforcement officers since the September 11, 2001, terror attacks.

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said Friday the gunman appeared to have acted alone.

WATCH: President Barack Obama comments on incident

President Obama's Comment on Dallas Shootings
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Johnson told police during the standoff he was upset at police killings of black men and that he wanted to "kill white people, especially white officers." He also said he was not working with a wider group.

Following hours of negotiation, which took place in a parking garage, Johnson was killed by a bomb attached to a police robot.

No links to nationalist groups

Although officials have not established any links to political groups, media reports suggest Johnson expressed sympathies on social media to several black nationalist organizations, including the New Black Panther Party.

Law enforcement sweep the area after a shooting in downtown Dallas, July 8, 2016.
Law enforcement sweep the area after a shooting in downtown Dallas, July 8, 2016.

Krystal Muhammad, national chair of the New Black Panther Party, told VOA that she didn't know Johnson and had never heard of him before the Dallas attack.

"I don't know where they're getting that information," Muhammad said. "People say a lot of stuff but that doesn't mean it's accurate."

When asked her opinion on the attack, Muhammad said: "My moral judgement is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth."

"What happened in Dallas, who knows, this could be happening all across America. Because people are fed up. You cannot continue to brutalize human beings and think that some human beings are going to fall for it," she said.

The New Black Panther Party is a black political organization founded in Dallas. It is named after, but not an official successor to the now defunct Black Panther Party, the black nationalist group that frequently clashed with police in the 1970s.

People rally in Dallas, Texas, on Thursday, July 7, 2016 to protest the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.
People rally in Dallas, Texas, on Thursday, July 7, 2016 to protest the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.

Other than Johnson's social media activity, there was no indication that he had any ties to the Panthers or any other group.

An obscure organization, called Black Political Power Organization, appeared to claim responsibility for the attack on Facebook, but the page was later deleted, and no other information about the group, if it even exists, was readily available.

U.S. law enforcement officials say Johnson did not have a criminal record.

Army record

In an emailed statement, the U.S. Army said Johnson was a carpentry and masonry specialist during his time in the service from March 2009 to April 2015. He was deployed to Afghanistan from November 2013 to July 2014.

Johnson received several low-level military awards during his time in the Army, according to the statement, including the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, which is given to service members who have served in support operations in support of the U.S.' Global War on Terror (GWOT).


VOA's Jeff Seldin contributed to this report.