ທະຫານມາຣິນສະຫະລັດ ຫ້າຄົນ ຍັງຫາຍສາບສູນຢູ່ ຫຼັງຈາກເຮືອບິນລົບ ກັບເຮືອບິນ
ຕື່ມນ້ຳມັນໄດ້ຕຳກັນ ແລະຕົກລົງໃນມະຫາສະໝຸດປາຊິຟິກ ຢູ່ນອກຝັ່ງທະເລທາງພາກ
ຕາເວັນຕົກສຽງໃຕ້ຂອງຍີ່ປຸ່ນ ໃນຕອນເຊົ້າວັນພະຫັດມື້ນີ້.
ທະຫານມາຣິນສະຫະລັດ ກ່າວວ່າເຮືອບິນລົບ F/A-18 ທີ່ນຳພານັກບິນສອງຄົນ ແລະ
ເຮືອບິນຕື່ມນ້ຳມັນ KC-130 ທີ່ນຳພາລູກເຮືອຫ້າຄົນ ໄດ້ຂຶ້ນຈາກຖານທັບຂອງເຂົາ
ເຈົ້າໃນເມືອງ ອີວາກູນິ ໃນການເຝິກງານຕື່ມນ້ຳມັນເປັນປະຈຳ.
ການຕຳກັນ ໄດ້ເກີດຂຶ້ນປະມານ 100 ກິໂລແມັດ ຢູ່ນອກຝັ່ງທະເລໃກ້ກັບແຫຼມ ມູໂຣໂຕ
ຢູ່ເກາະຊິກູກີ ອີງຕາມຖະແຫຼງການຈາກ ກະຊວງປ້ອງກັນປະເທດ ຍີ່ປຸ່ນ.
ກະຊວງດັ່ງກ່າວເວົ້າວ່າ ການປະຕິບັດງານຊອກຄົ້ນຫາ ແລະກູ້ໄພ ໄດ້ເລີ້ມຂຶ້ນໂດຍກຳ
ລັງທາງທະເລ ໃນເວລາບໍ່ດົນຫຼັງຈາກການພົບເຫັນຜູ້ນຶ່ງໃນຈຳນນວນສະມາຊິກລູກ
ເຮືອຈາກເຮືອບິນລົບ F/A-18 ຫຼາຍຊົ່ວໂມງຕໍ່ມາ. ນັກບິນທີ່ຖືກກູ້ໄພມານັ້ນ ຢູ່ໃນ
ສະພາບທຸ່ນທ່ຽງ ຢູ່ໂຮງໝໍໃນຖານທັບ ອີວາກູນິ. ສາເຫດຂອງການຕຳກັນຍັງຢູ່ພາຍ
Five U.S. Marines are missing after a fighter jet and a refueling tanker plane collided and crashed in the Pacific Ocean off Japan's southwestern coast early Thursday morning.
The U.S. Marines say a F/A-18 fighter jet carrying two pilots and a KC-130 refueling plane carrying five crewmen took off from their base in Iwakuni on a routine refueling training mission. The collision took place about 100 kilometers out to sea near Muroto Cape on Shikoku island, according to a statement from Japan's defense ministry.
The ministry says a search-and-rescue operation launched by its maritime forces shortly after the crash found one of the crew members from the F/A-18 jet several hours later. The rescued pilot is in stable condition at the hospital on the Iwakuni base. A second Marine was later rescued, but no further details have been released.
The search-and-rescue efforts for the missing five Marines continues. The cause of the collision is under investigation.
Thursday's incident is the latest of a string of accidents involving U.S. military aircraft deployed to Japan. Two crew members of a U.S. Navy fighter jet were rescued alive when their plane crashed into the sea off the southern island of Okinawa.
The American military presence on Okinawa has irritated Japanese civilians on the island and created tension in the otherwise warm relations between the U.S. and Japanese militaries.
There have been several accidents involving U.S. military aircraft -- including parts falling off aircraft into neighborhoods -- as well as crimes by U.S. servicemen on Okinawa, including rapes, fights and drunk-driving incidents.