ລິ້ງ ສຳຫລັບເຂົ້າຫາ

ວັນອັງຄານ, ໑໑ ກຸມພາ ໒໐໒໕

NDE 12F - 2 New Dynamic English: "My First Camera." con't

NY, camera, picture, photograph
NY, camera, picture, photograph

New Dynamic English NDE 12F-2

NDE 12F – 2

NDE Opening

Saly: ທ່ານນັກ​ສຶກສາທັງຫຼາຍ ມື້​ນີ້​ເຮົາ​ຈະ​ຮຽນ​ຄວາມ​ໝາຍ​ຂອງ​ສອງ​ປະ​ໂຫຽກກ່ອນ ກ່ອນເຮົາ​ຈະໄດ້ຟັງ​ບົດ​ສຳພາດ ລະຫວ່າງ Kathy ກັບຊາຍ​ມັນ ທອມ​ກິນສ ຊຶ່ງ​ເປັນ​ນັກຖ່າຍຮູບ​ອາຊີບ ເຖິງເຫດຜົນທີ່ວ່າ​ເປັນ​ຫຍັງລາວ​ຈຶ່ງ​ສົນ​ໃຈ​ຢາກ​ມີ​ອາຊີ​ບ​ເປັນ​ນັກ​ຖ່າຍຮູບ.

I won first prize in a photography contest. ແປ​ວ່າໃນງານ​ປະກວດຮູບ​ຖ່າຍຄັ້ງ​ນຶ່ງ​ຂ້ອຍໄດ້ ຮັບ​ລາງວັນ​ທີ​ນຶ່ງ.

The photograph was published in the newspaper. ແປ​ວ່າຮູບດັ່ງກ່າວ​ໄດ້​ຖືກ​ພິມ​ລົງ​ໃນ​ໜ້າ​ໜັງສື​ພິມ.

Kathy: Our guest today is Simon Tompkins.

Simon is a professional photographer.

Kathy: Welcome back to our show, Simon.

Simon: It’s nice to be here again.

Kathy: Tell us, Simon, how did you become interested in photography?

Simon: When I was seven years old, my parents bought me my first camera.

I loved that camera.

Kathy: Did you take a lot of pictures?

Simon: (laughs) I took pictures of everything I saw: people, trees, buildings, everything.

And when I was in tenth grade, I won first prize in a photography contest.

Kathy: That’s great.

Simon: Oh, I was so excited!

The photograph was published in the newspaper.

After that, I knew that I wanted to be a photographer.

Kathy: Our guest is Simon Tompkins. We’ll talk more after our break.

This is New Dynamic English.


Saly: My parents bought me my first camera. ຄຳ​ກິຣິຍາ​ແທ້ໆຫຼື​ຄຳ​ຕົ້ນຕໍ​ຂອງ

ຄຳ​ວ່າ bought ແມ່ນ buy, b u y, buy, ແປ​ວ່າ ຊື້. bought ເປັນ​ອະດີດຂອງ buy.

ພໍ່​ແມ່ຂອງຊາຍ​ມັນ​ຊື້​ກ້ອງຖ່າຍຮູ​ບ​ໃຫ້​ລາວ ​ໃນ​ຕອນ​ທີ່​ລາວ​ອາຍຸ​ຫາ​ກໍ​ເຈັດ​ປີ ຊຶ່ງເວລາ​ຫຼາຍ​ຟ້າ

ຫຼາຍ​ປີຜ່ານ​ມາ​ແລ້ວ ​ຊຶ່ງເປັນ​ອະດີດ​ໄປ​ແລ້ວ. ​ເພາະສະ​ນັ້ນ​ຈຶ່ງຈຳ​ເປັນ​ຕ້ອງ​ໄດ້​ໃຊ້​ກິຣິຍາ

ຕົວທີ່​ເປັນ​ອະດີດ ​ໃຊ້​ຕົວ​ດັ້ງ​ເດີມ ຫຼື​ຕົວ​ທີ່​ເປັນ​ພື້ນຖານ​ບໍ່​ໄດ້.​

ປະ​ໂຫຽກ ​ How did you become interested in photography? ແປ​ວ່າ​ເຈົ້າ​ໄດ້


Saly: ການເພັ່ງ​ເລັງ​ໃສ່​ໜ້າ​ທີ່ຂອງ​ພາສາ

Language Focus. Did he take a lot of pictures?

Larry: Listen and repeat.

Saly: ລອງ​ພະຍາ​ຍາມ​ໃຫ້​ໄດ້​ຍິນ​ຄັກໆ ​ແລ້ວ​ເວົ້າ​ຕາມ​ຫຼັງ​ໃຫ້​ຄື

Max: How old was Simon when his parents bought him his first camera?

(pause for repeat)

Max: He was seven years old.

(pause for repeat)

Max: Did he take a lot of pictures?

(pause for repeat)

Max: Yes, he did. He took pictures of everything he saw.

(pause for repeat)

Max: What happened when Simon was in tenth grade?

(pause for repeat)

Max: He won first prize in a photography contest.

(pause for repeat)

Max: Where was the photograph published?

(pause for repeat)

Max: The photograph was published in the newspaper.

(pause for repeat)


Saly: ຄໍາວ່າ​ to take pictures ແປ​ວ່າ​ຖ່າຍຮູບ ຊຶ່ງບາງ​ຄົນ​ກໍໃຊ້​ຄຳ​ວ່າ ຊັກ​ຮູບ

ທ່ານລອງ​ເວົ້າ​ເປັນ​ພາສາ​ອັງກິດ​ເບິ່ງວ່າ: “ພໍ່​ແມ່​ຂ້ອຍ​ຊື້​ລົດ​ໃຫ້​ຂ້ອຍ​ເມື່ອ​ສອງ​ປີ​ກ່ອນ​.”

ປະ​ໂຫຽກນັ້ນ​ໃນ​ພາສາ​ອັງກິດ​ກໍ​ແມ່ນ: My parents bought me a car two years ago.

Saly: ມື້​ນີ້​ເອົາ​ທໍ່​ນີ້​ກ່ອນ​ເໜາະ​ທ່ານ​ເວລາ​ຂອງ​ເຮົາ​ໝົດລົງ​ແລ້ວ ພໍ້​ກັນ​ໃໝ່​ໃນ​ບົດຮຽນ​ໜ້າ.

NDE Closing