ລິ້ງ ສຳຫລັບເຂົ້າຫາ

ວັນພຸດ, ໑໒ ກຸມພາ ໒໐໒໕

New Dynamic English NDE 12D-1

An Afghan farmer growing opium. ຊາວສວນຜູ້ນີ້ປູກຝິ່ນຂາຍ.
An Afghan farmer growing opium. ຊາວສວນຜູ້ນີ້ປູກຝິ່ນຂາຍ.

ບົດຮຽນຂອງເຮົາມື້ນີ້ແມ່ນບົດທີ 12 ພາກທີ 4 ຕອນທີ 1

NDE 12D - 1

NDE Opening

NDE MUSIC lead-in and then dips for voice over

Max (voice-over): Hi, I’m Max.

Kathy (voice-over): Hello. My name is Kathy.

Max and Kathy (voice-over): Welcome to New Dynamic English!

MUSIC up and then fade

Larry: New Dynamic English is a basic English language course and an introduction to American people and culture.

Today’s unit is “I Was A Carpenter.”

Saly: ທ່ານ​ນັກ​ສຶກສາ​ທັງຫຼາຍ ມື້​ນີ້​ທ່ານ​ຈະ​ໄດ້​ຮຽນ​ບົດຮຽນ​ທີ 12 ພາກທີ 4 ຕອນ​ທີ 1​.

ຫົວຂໍ້​ຂອງ​ບົດຮຽນ​ຂອງ​ເຮົາ​ມື້​ນີ້​ແມ່ນ “I Was A Carpenter.” ແປ​ວ່າ ຂ້ອຍ​ເຄີຍ​ເປັນ

ຊ່າງ​ໄມ້​. ບົດຮຽນ​ຈະ​ສອນ​ໃຫ້​ພວກ​ທ່ານ​ຮູ້ຈັກ​ເວົ້າ​ລົມ​ກ່ຽວ​ກັບປະສົບ​ການ​ດ້ານ​ວຽກ


ແລະດຽວ​ນີ້ Max ກໍ​ກຳ​ລັງ​ອ່ານ​ປຶ້ມ​ກ່ຽວ​ກັບ​ປະຫວັດ​ການ​ເຮັດ​ວຽກ​ເຮັດ​ການ​ຂອງ Einstein


  • work history ແປ​ວ່າປະວັດ​ວຽກ​ງານ
  • a (scientific) paper ແປ​ວ່າ​ເອກ​ກະສາ​ນດ້ານ​ວິທະຍາສາດ.
  • a professor ແປ​ວ່າ​ອາຈານ​ສອນ

He was a clerk in a government office in Switzerland. ແປ​ວ່າ​ເພິ່ນ​ເປັນ​ເລຂານຸການ​ຢູ່​ຫ້ອງການ​ຂອງຣັດຖະບານ​ແຫ່ງ​ນຶ່ງໃນ​ປະ​ເທດ​ສວິດ​ເຊິ​ແລນ.​

In 1933, he moved to the United States. ແປ​ວ່າ​ເພິ່ນ​ໄດ້​ຍ້າຍ​ເຂົ້າ​ມາ ສຫຣ ​ໃນ​ປີ 1933.


Kathy: Hi, Max.

Max: Hi, Kathy.

Kathy: How’s your book?

Max: Oh, it’s good. Now I’m reading about Einstein’s work history.

You know, Einstein’s first job was as a clerk.

He was a clerk in a government office in Switzerland.

Kathy: How long did he work there?

Max: For seven years..

He worked there for seven years, from 1902 to 1909.

During that time, he wrote several important scientific papers... in his spare time.

Then, in 1912, he moved back to Germany.

He became a professor at the University of Berlin.

Kathy: Did he stay in Germany?

Max: He stayed there for almost twenty years.

In 1933, he moved to the United States.

Kathy: Very interesting....

Max: OK.... So, Kathy, who’s our guest today?

Kathy: Today our guest is Bob Harris.

Max: He lives in Florida and works for the post office there.

Kathy: Yes. He’s going to talk to us today about his job history.

Max: Good.


Saly: ຄຳ​ວ່າ​ spare time ແປ​ວ່າ​ເວລາ​ທີ່​ເຫຼືອ​ມາ​ຈາ​ກການ​ເຮັດ​ວຽກ​ເຮັດ​ການ

ຫຼື​ຈະ​ວ່າ​ເວລາວ່າງ​ກໍ​ວ່າ​ໄດ້.​ Spare, s p a r e, spare ໃນ​ບາງກໍຣະນີກໍ​ຈະ​ແປ​ວ່າ

ສຳຮອງ ​ເຊັ່ນ ຢາງສຳຮອງຫຼືຢາງຣົດສຳຮອງ spare tire ດັ່ງນີ້​ເປັນ​ຕົ້ນ.

Language Focus. He worked there for seven years, from 1902 to 1909.

Larry: Listen and repeat.

Saly: ບັດ​ນີ້​ເຊີນ​ຫັດ​ເວົ້າ​ຕາມ​ຫຼັງ.

Max: Einstein’s first job was in a government office.

(pause for repeat)

Max: He worked there for seven years, from 1902 to 1909.

(pause for repeat)

Max: During that time, he wrote several important papers.

(pause for repeat)

Max: In 1912, he became a professor at the University of Berlin.

(pause for repeat)

Max: He moved to the United States in 1933.

(pause for repeat)


Saly: ​ຄຳ​ວ່າ papers ​ໃນ​ທີ່​ນີ້​ເຮົາ​ຈະ​ແປ​ມັນ​ວ່າ​ເອກ​ກະສາ​ນ. ​ແຕ່​ບາງ​ໂອກາດ​ມັນ​ກໍ​ເປັນ​ຄຳ​ຫຍໍ້ມາ​ຈາກ newspapers ​ ແປ​ວ່າ​ໜັງສືພິມ.

ເອົາ​ທໍ່​ນີ້​ກ່ອນ​ເໜາະ​ທ່ານ​ມື້​ນີ້. ພໍ້​ກັນ​ໃໝ່​ໃນ​ບົດຮຽນ​ໜ້າ.

NDE Closing