ລິ້ງ ສຳຫລັບເຂົ້າຫາ

ວັນພະຫັດ, ໒໓ ມັງກອນ ໒໐໒໕

Today's Unit is "We Got Married in 1944." Con't

Today's Unit is "We Got Married in 1944." Con't
Today's Unit is "We Got Married in 1944." Con't

ໃນບົດຮຽນນີ້ທ່ານຈະໄດ້ຮຽນເວົ້າຮຽນລົມເປັນພາສາອັງກິດຕື່ມກ່ຽວກັບຊິວິດການ ແຕ່ງງານ.

NDE 12C-3

NDE Opening

Saly: ທ່ານ​ນັກ​ສຶກສາ​ທັງຫຼາຍ ​ບົດຮຽນ​ຂອງ​ເຮົາ​ຄາວ​ທີ​ແລ້ວ​ນີ້​ໄດ້​ຈົບ​ລົງ​ໂດຍ​ການ​ຮຽນ​ບາງ​ປະ​ໂຫຍກທີ່​ສຳຄັນ​ໃນ​ບົດ​ສຳພາດ​ທີ່​ເຮົາຈະ​ໄດ້​ຟັງ​ໃນ​ມື້​ນີ້. ​ບົດ​ສຳພາດທີ່​ວ່າ​ນີ້​ມີ​ແນວ​ຕະຫຼົກ​ຈັກ​ໜ້ອຍ. ລອງ​ຟັງ​ເບ່ິງ.

Kathy: We’re talking with Martha Harris about her husband and her marriage.

Martha, may I ask, how did you meet your husband?

Martha: Oh, that’s a funny story.

I was working in a grocery store.

Let’s see... This was in 1943.

At the time, I was living in New York City.

Well, one day, a young man walked into the store.

He took an orange from the table...

... and all the other oranges rolled onto the floor.

There were oranges everywhere!

Kathy: (chuckles)

Martha: Well, everyone in the store was picking up oranges.

And we were all laughing.

Kathy: Yes.

Martha: Well, after we put the all oranges back, he and I began to talk.

Kathy: Unh huh.

Martha: And the next week, we went to a movie together.

That was... June... June 1943.

We got engaged two months later, in August.

Kathy: When did you get married?

Martha: We got married about a year later.

In March, 1944.

Kathy: Nineteen forty-four?

Martha: Yes. That was a long time ago.

Kathy: Martha, it’s been a pleasure talking with you.

Martha: The pleasure’s all mine, Kathy.

Thank you for inviting me.

Kathy: Now let’s take a short break.

This is New Dynamic English.


Saly: Martha ກັບຜົວ​ຂອງ​ລາວ​ເຮັດ​ຈັ່ງ​ໃດ​ຈັ່ງ​ໄດ້​ກັນ ຫຼື​ວ່າ​ຈຶ່ງ​ໄດ້​ເປັນ​ຜົວ​ເປັນ​ເມຍ​ກັນ?

ຄຳ​ວ່າ funny story, funny story, ແປ​ວ່າ​ເປັນ​ເລື້ອງ​ທີ່​ໜ້າ​ຢາກຫົວ ຫຼື​ວ່າ​ເປັນ​ເລື້ອງ​ຕະຫຼົກ ກໍ​ວ່າ​ໄດ້. ລອງ​ທວນຄືນ​ເອົາ​ເອງ​ເບິ່ງ​ທ່ານ ວ່າ​ອັນ​ໃດ​ທີ່​ເປັນຕາ​ຢາກຫົວ.

Language Focus. Listen and answer.

Larry: Listen and answer.

Listen for the bell, then say your answer.Saly: ບັດ​ນີ້​ເຮົາ​ຈະ​ຕັ້ງ​ຄຳ​ຖາມ​ມາ​ຖາມ​ທ່ານ ກ່ອນຈະ​ຕອບ ​ໃຫ້​ທ່ານ​ໄດ້​ຍິນ​ສຽງ​ກະດິງ​ດັງ​ຂຶ້ນ​ກ່ອນ. ​ເຊີນ​ຟັງ ​ແລ້ວ​ພະຍາຍາມ​ຕອບ.

Max: Where was Martha working in 1943?


(pause for answer)Max: In 1943, she was working in a grocery store.

(short pause

Max: Where was she living at the time?


(pause for answer)

Max: She was living in New York City.

(short pause)

Max: When did Martha and Tom get engaged?


(pause for answer)

Max: They got engaged in August, 1943.

(short pause)

Max: When did they get married?


(pause for answer)

Max: They got married about a year later, in March, 1944.

(short pause)


Saly: In 1943, Martha was working in a grocery store. ແປ​ວ່າ​ໃນ​ປີ 1943 Martha ​ເຮັດ​ວຽກ​ຢູ່ຮ້ານ​ຂາຍ​ເຄ່ຶອງຢູ່​ຂອງ​ກິນ​ແລະ​ເຄ່ືອງ​ໃຊ້​ສອຍ​ຕ່າງ​ໆ.

Saly: ຄຳ​ວ່າ​ just, j u s t, just, ແປ​ວ່າພຽງ​ແຕ່, just a friend ແປ​ວ່າພຽງ​ແຕ່​ເປັນ​ໝູ່​ກັນ​ຊ່ືໆ.

NDE Closing