ລິ້ງ ສຳຫລັບເຂົ້າຫາ

ວັນອາທິດ, ໒໖ ມັງກອນ ໒໐໒໕

ປ. ໂອບາມາ ເນັ້ນໜັກ ກ່ຽວກັບ ອົບພະຍົບ ຢູ່ທົ່ວໂລກ ໃນກອງປະຊຸມ ທີ່ ມາເລເຊຍ

Oຶbama Malaysia Refugees
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ເຊິນເບິ່ງ ວີດີໂອລາຍງານນີ້

ປະທານາທິບໍດີ ສະຫະລັດ ທ່ານ Barack Obama ກຳລັງ​ດຳ
​ເນີນ​ເຮັດ​ແຜນຂອງ​ທ່ານ ​ເພື່ອ​ຮັບ​ເອົາຈຳນວນ​ອົບ​ພະຍົບຊີ​ເຣຍ
ຫລາຍ​ຂື້ນ ​ບັດ​ນີ້​ໂດຍ​ການ​ພົບ​ປະ​ກັບ​ພວກ​ເດັກນ້ອຍ ທີ່​ບໍ່​ມີ​ບ່ອນ
ຢູ່​ອາ​ໄສ ​ແລະ​ທຸກ​ຍາກ ຍ້ອນຄວາມຮຸນແຮງຢູ່​ໃນ​ມາ​ເລ​ເຊ​ຍ.

ທ່ານ Obama ຜູ້​ທີ່ຢູ່ໃນນະຄອນ Kual;a Lumpur ​ເພື່ອ​ປະ
ຊຸມ​ສຸດ​ຍອດ ຂົງ​ເຂດ ​ໃນ​ວັນ​ເສົາ​ມື້​ນີ້ ​ໄດ້​ຢ້ຽມຢາມ ມຸນ​ນິທິ​ອັນ​ມີກຽດ​ແກ່ເດັກນ້ອຍ ບ່ອນ​ທີ່​ທ່ານ​ພົບ​ປະ​ກັບ​ເດັກນ້ອຍ​ອົບ​ພະຍົບ ຊຶ່ງ​ຈຳນວນ​ໜຶ່ງ​ຈະ​ເດີນ​ທາງ​ມາ ສະຫະລັດ.

ປະທານາທິບໍດີ Barack Obama ກຳລັງໂອ້ລົມຢ່າງມ່ວນຊື່ນກັບ ອົບພະຍົບຈາກ ມຽນມາອາຍຸ 16
ປະທານາທິບໍດີ Barack Obama ກຳລັງໂອ້ລົມຢ່າງມ່ວນຊື່ນກັບ ອົບພະຍົບຈາກ ມຽນມາອາຍຸ 16

ທ່ານ Obama ກ່າວ​ວ່າ “​ໂລກ​ກຳລັງ​ເຈາະ​ຈົງ​ໃສ່ ​ໂສກ​ນາດຕະກຳດ້ານ​ມະນຸດສະທຳ ທີ່ເກີດ​ຂື້ນໃນ​ຊີ​ເຣຍ ​ແຕ່​ວ່າ ພວ​ກ​ເຮົາກໍຫລົງ​ລືມ​ບໍ່​ໄດ້​ວ່າ ມີ​ອົບ​ພະຍົບອຶ່ນໆຫລາຍລ້ານ​ຄົນ ຈາກ ພາກ​ສ່ວນອື່ນຂອງ​ສົງ​ຄາມ​ຂອງ​ໂລກ.”

ເດັກນ້ອຍ​ຫລາຍ​ຄົນ​ທີ່​ສູ ​ນກາງ ​ແມ່ນ​ຊາວ​ມຸສລິ​ມ Rohingya ຜູ້​ທີ່​ໄດ້​ຫລົບໜີ​ຈາກ ມຽນມາ ທີ່​ເປັນ​ປະ​ເ​ທດສາສະໜາ​ພຸດ​ສ່ວນ​ໃຫຍ່ ບ່ອນ​ທີ່ຊົນ​ກຸ່ມ​ນ້ອຍ​ພາກັນ​ໄດ້​ຮັບ​ການ​ກີດ​ກັ້ນ​ຢ່າງ​ແຮງ ​ແລະ​ເກີດຄວາມຮຸນ​ແຮງ.

In Malaysia, Obama Highlights Global Plight of Refugees
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ທ່ານ​ກ່າວ​ຕື່ມ​ອີກ​ວ່າ “​ເວລາ​ຂ້າພະ​ເຈົ້າ ນັ່ງ​ຢູ່​ທີ່​ນັ້ນ ​ແລະ​ໂອ້​ລົມ​ກັບ​ເຂົາ​ເຈົ້າ ​ແລະ​ເຂົາ​ເຈົ້າ ​ໄດ້​ແຕ້ມ​ຮູບ ​ແລະແກ້​ບັນຫາ​ໄລ່ເລກ​ ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າເຫັນວ່າ ​ເຂົາ​ເຈົ້າ​ບໍ່​ໄດ້​ມີ​ຄວາມ​ແຕກ​ຕ່າງ​ຫຍັງ​ໝົດກັບເດັກ​ນ້ອຍ​ຢູ່​ໃນ ອາ​ເມຣິກາ.

U.S. President Barack Obama is continuing to make the case for his plans to accept more Syrian refugees, this time by meeting in Malaysia with children displaced by violence and poverty.

Obama, who is in Kuala Lumpur for a regional summit, on Saturday visited the Dignity for Children Foundation where he met with child refugees, some of whom will be coming to the United States.

"The world is rightly focused on the humanitarian tragedy taking place in Syria, but we can't forget that there are millions of other refugees from war-torn parts of the world," Obama said.

Many of the children at the center are Rohingya Muslims who have fled Myanmar, a Buddhist-majority nation where the minority group faces intense discrimination and violence.

"When I sat there and talked to them, and they were drawing or doing their math problems, they were indistinguishable from any child in America," Obama said.

"The notion that somehow we should be fearful of them, that our politics would somehow leave them to turn our sights away from their plight, is not representative of the best of who we are," he added.

The visit provided the president another chance to push back against those at home who oppose his plan to bring in 10,000 refugees this year from war-torn Syria.

That is a significant increase from the roughly 2,000 Syrian refugees the U.S. has taken in since the beginning of the Syrian civil war, but represents only a tiny fraction of the millions who have fled the war-torn country.

Many in the U.S. fear Islamic extremists could use the Syrian refugee program to slip into the U.S. and carry out attacks. Those fears were heightened following last week's terror attacks in Paris, which were claimed by the Islamic State group.

During his Asia trip, Obama has repeatedly ridiculed lawmakers and Republican presidential candidates who are opposed to the plan, saying they are scared of "widows and orphans."

This past week, the Republican-led House of Representatives passed a bill that increases the restrictions on refugees from Iraq and Syria. The bill's future is uncertain in the Senate.

Obama, who returns to Washington Monday, has vowed to veto the bill, if necessary.