FIB 11F – 6
Saly: ທ່ານນັກສຶກສາທັງຫຼາຍ ມື້ນີ້ເຮົາຈະເຣີ່ມຕົ້ນດ້ວຍ Variations ໝາຍເຖິງຄຳເວົ້າຫຼື
ສຳນວນຕ່າງໆທີ່ມີຄວາມໝາຍອັນດຽວກັນຫຼືຄ້າຍຄືກັນ. ເຊີນຟັງ.
Language Focus: Variations
Larry: Variations.
Listen to these variations.
Saly: ເຊີນຟັງເທື່ອລະສອງປະໂຫຽກ ແລະພິຈາຣະນາເບິ່ງວິທີເວົ້າທີ່ແຕກຕ່າງກັນຂອງມັນ.
Eliz: One more thing.
Larry: There’s another thing.
Eliz: That’s not a problem.
Larry: That would be fine.
Eliz: Splendid.
Larry: Excellent.
Eliz: It looks like we’ll be able to do business together.
Larry: I think we’ll be able to do business together.
Saly: ທ່ານຄືຊິເຂົ້າໃຈຄວາມໝາຍຂອງຄຳວ່າ Splendid ແລ້ວຕິເໜາະ. ເຊີນຟັງອີກບາດນຶ່ງ:
Eliz: Splendid.
Larry: Excellent.
Saly: ທັງສອງຄຳນີ້ໝາຍຄວາມວ່າ ດີຫຼາຍ ດີເລີດ ປະເສີດ ຫຼືວ່າ ປະເສີດເລີດລ້ຳ. Splendid ຂຽນດັ່ງນີ້ s p l e n d i d, splendid.
Interview: Chapman
Larry: Interview
Saly: ບົດສຳພາດ ຫຼືການສຳພາດ
Eliz: Mr. Chapman, you said that you were satisfied “for the most part.”
Chap: Yes.
But I did want some of my staff to see the robots in action.
And I was looking forward to reviewing the technical information that Mr. Blake promised to send us.
Eliz: Mr. Chapman, thank you for being our guest.
Chap: Thank you for inviting me.
Saly: ຄຳວ່າ staff, s t a f f. staff, ແປວ່າຄນະພະນັກງານແລະຄຳວ່າ some of my staff ຈຶ່ງແປວ່າ ພະນັກງານຂອງຂ້ອຍບາງຈຳນວນ.
Chap: But I did want some of my staff to see the robots in action. ຈຶ່ງແປວ່າ ແຕ່ຂ້ອຍກໍຢາກໃຫ້ພະນັກງານຂອງຂ້ອຍບາງຄົນໄດ້ເຫັນບົດບາດອັນແທ້ຈິງຂອງຫຸ່ນຍົນເວລາມັນເຮັດວຽກ.
Language Focus: Questions Based on FIB Dialog
Larry: Questions.
Larry: Listen to the question, then listen to the dialog.
Saly: ບັດນີ້ເຮົາມີຄຳຖາມກັບບົດສົນທະນາສັ້ນໆມາໃຫ້ທ່ານຟັງ. ເຊີນຟັງຄຳຖາມກ່ອນ ແລ້ວຟັງບົດສົນທະນາດັ່ງກ່າວ ທ່ີມີຄຳຕອບຂອງຄຳຖາມນັ້ນຢູ່ໃນຫັ້ນ.
Eliz: Who will fly to China to see the robots in operation?
(short pause)
Chap: One other thing.
I’d like some members of my staff to fly to China to see your robots in operation
Blake: That’s not a problem.
Eliz: Who will fly to China to see the robots in operation?
(pause for answer)
Eliz: Some members of Mr. Chapman’s staff will fly to China to see the robots.
(short pause)
Saly: ຄຳຖາມທຳອິດທ່ີທ່ານໄດ້ຍິນໄປແມ່ນກ່ຽວກັບຫຽັງທ່ານ ລອງຕອບມາເປັນພາສາລາວເບິ່ງ? ……. ຄຳຖາມນັ້ນຖາມວ່າ ແມ່ນໃຜຈະບິນໄປປະເທດຈີນ ເພື່ອເບິ່ງຮຸ່ນຍົນປະຕິບັດວຽກການ?
Culture Tips: Airline Tickets
Larry: Culture Tips
Saly: ຄວາມຮູ້ພິເສດທາງວັດທະນະທຳ
Eliz: Welcome once again to “Culture Tips” with Gary Engleton.
Today’s e-mail question is, “I travel by air frequently.”
“How can I save money on airline tickets?”
Gary: There are several things that you can do.
First, you can join a “frequent flyer club.”
Eliz: Can you tell us more about that?
Gary: Sure.
Well, all airlines want repeat business.
Eliz They want their customers to fly on their airline most of the time, and not on another airline.
Gary: Right. So they give special deals to customers who fly frequently, who fly often.
On many airlines, you get a free ticket after you fly twenty-five thousand miles, if you are a member of their frequent flyer club.
Eliz: That’s not bad!
Saly: ມື້ນີ້ເວລາຂອງເຮົາໝົດລົງພຽງເທົ່ານີ້ທ່ານ ພໍ້ກັນໃໝ່ໃນບົດຮຽນໜ້າ.
FIB Closing