President Barack Obama is expected to focus on domestic issues in his annual State of the Union address Tuesday night in Washington, but ongoing crises around the world will give him reason to update Americans on U.S. foreign policy efforts.
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Secret Service Uniformed Division officers patrol in front of the White House. President Barack Obama is expected to challenge the Republican-led Congress to back his tax-raising ideas for helping middle-class Americans in his State of the Union speech, in Washington, Jan. 20, 2015.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest gives a remote network television interview about the upcoming State of the Union address outside the of the West Wing of the White House in Washington, Jan. 20, 2015.

Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) rehearses the Republican response to U.S. President Barack Obama's State of the Union address on Capitol Hill in Washington, Jan. 20, 2015.

Alan Gross, who returned home last month after spending five years imprisoned in Cuba, will have a prime viewing spot for President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address: a seat near first lady Michelle Obama, Washington, Jan. 20, 2015.