ພາບ ກ່ຽວກັບ ຊີວິດ ແລະຜົນງານ ຂອງທ່ານ Mandela

Nelson Mandela attends a rally in this 1993 photo.

President Nelson Mandela and Britain's Prince Charles shake hands alongside members of the Spice Girls' Emma (L), and Gerri (R) at Mr. Mandela's residence November 1, 1997.

The former South African president, left, and his wife, Graca Machel, wave to the audience during a Live 8 concert in Johannesburg, South Africa, July 2, 2005.

Former South African President Nelson Mandela jokes with youngsters as they celebrate his 89th birthday at the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund in Johannesburg, July 24, 2007.