A look at the best news photos from around the world.
ພາບເດັ່ນ ປະຈຳ ວັນທີ 6 ພຶດສະພາ 2021

A woman reacts as a healthcare worker takes a nasal swab sample for a COVID-19 test at a government-run hospital in Kolkata, India.

Buddhist monks and believers attend a lantern parade in celebration of the upcoming birthday of Buddha at a temple in Seoul, South Korea.

Eryko, a six-month-old asylum-seeking migrant from Romania, learns how to walk with the help of his brother Antonio, 16, and father Elvis, as they await with others to be transported to a U.S. border patrol processing facility after crossing the Rio Grand river into the United States from Mexico on a raft in La Joya, Texas, May 5, 2021.

Vatican Swiss Guards stand attention at the St. Damaso courtyard on the occasion of their swearing-in ceremony, at the Vatican.