ເບິ່ງພາບເດັ່ນຕ່າງໆໃນຂ່າວ ຈາກທົ່ວໂລກ.
ພາບເດັ່ນ ປະຈຳ ວັນທີ 23 ພຶດສະພາ 2024

People release lanterns during the celebration of Vesak, which marks the day of Buddha's birth, death and enlightenment at the 9th century Borobudur Temple in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia.

Devotees gather to see illuminated installation on the occasion of 'Vesak festival' which commemorates the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha, in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Rescuers carry a body after a Russian missile hit a large printing house in Kharkiv, Ukraine. At least seven civilians were killed, officials said, as Kyiv’s army labored to hold off an intense cross-border offensive by the Kremlin’s larger and better-equipped forces.

Relatives and supporters of Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, hold photos of their loved ones during a performance calling for their return in Tel Aviv, Israel.