The French celebrated their 4-2 victory in the World Cup against Croatia Sunday, France’s first in two decades.
ປະມວນພາບ ຝຣັ່ງ ສະເຫຼີມສະຫຼອງ ໄຊຊະນະ ເປັນ ແຊມປ້ຽນ ເຕະບານໂລກ ປີ 2018

Fatoumata Kebe walks with a friend and her baby after the match, in Paris, France, July 15, 2018. (L. Bryant/VOA)

Some World Cup fans dove into this canal in northern Paris to celebrate their team's victory, in Paris, France, July 15, 2018. (L. Bryant/VOA)

The statue in Bastille Square was decked out in French national colors for the match. in Paris, France, July 15, 2018. (L. Bryant/VOA)