A memorial service is being held July 9 for the 19 U.S. firefighters who died battling a blaze in the southwestern state of Arizona last week.
ລັດແອຣີໂຊນາ ໄວ້ອາໄລ ແກ່ ພະນັກງານມອດໄຟ 19 ຄົນ ທີ່ເສຍຊີວິດ

Thousands of firefighters from around the nation arrived to attend a memorial service for Prescott's Granite Mountain Hotshots to pay final respects July 9, 2013, at the minor league hockey area in Prescott Valley, not far from where they died on Sunday, June 30.

A circle of toy fire trucks sit at the bottom of a memorial dedicated to the 19 firefighters killed in the nearby wildfire in Prescott, Arizona, July 8, 2013.

Firefighters pray in front of a memorial dedicated to the 19 firefighters killed in the nearby wildfire in Prescott, Arizona, July 8, 2013.

A wildland firefighting crew does 19 push-ups next to a memorial in honor of the 19 firefighters killed in the nearby wildfire in Prescott, Arizona, July 8, 2013.