FIB 11F – 7
Saly: ທ່ານນັກຮຽນນັກສຶກສາທັງຫຼາຍ ໃນການຮຽນຂອງເຮົາມື້ນີ້ ເຮົາຈະໄດ້ກັບຄືນໄປຫາ ຄວາມຮູ້ພິເສດອີກເທື່ອນຶ່ງ ເພາະວ່າ
ຄາວທີແລ້ວນີ້ເຮົາຟັງພາກສ່ວນດັ່ງກ່າວຍັງບໍ່ທັນຈົບແຕ່ເວລາຂອງເຮາໝົດລົງກ່ອນ. ຄວາມຮູ້ພິເສດທາງດ້ານວັດທະນະທຳເທື່ອນີ້
ຈະອະທິບາຍໃຫ້ພວກເຮົາຮູ້ ເຖິງວິທີປະຢັດເງິນເວລາເຮົາຊອກຊື້ປີ້ເຮືອບິນຈາກສາການບິນຕ່າງໆຢູ່ໃນສະຫະຣັດ.
a frequent flyer club ແປວ່າສະໂມສອນການບິນປະຈຳ
an airline fare ແປວ່າຄ່າປີ້ເຮືອບິນ ·
a special deal ແປວ່າການຕົກລົງແບບພິເສດ
You can usually get a big discount if you buy your ticket a few months ahead of time.
ແປວ່າ ຕາມປົກກະຕິແລ້ວຖ້າເຈົ້າຊື້ປີ້ຫຼາຍເດືອນລ່ວງໜ້າ ເຈົ້າກໍຈະໄດ້ຫຼຸດລາຄາຢ່າງໃຫຍ່.
ໃນບົດຮຽນຄາວທີແລ້ວນີ້ ເຮົາໄດ້ຮຽນຫຼາຍໆວິທີແລ້ວ ຖ້າເຮົາຢາກປະຢັດເງິນເວລາເຮົາຊື້ປີ້ເຮືອບິນຢູ່ໃນ ສຫຣ. ຕໍ່ໄປນີ້ເຮົາ
Gary: Another way to save money is to check for the lowest fares on the Internet.
There are Internet sites that list fares from all the airlines.
You can compare prices.
Eliz: That’s a great idea!
Gary: And finally, try to purchase your tickets ahead of time, if possible.
You can usually get a big discount if you buy your ticket a few months ahead of time.
Eliz: Thanks, Gary! That’s very useful information.
Now let’s take a short break.
Saly: ຄຳວ່າ fare, f a r e, fare, ແປວ່າຄ່າໂດຍສານ ເຊັ່ນຄ່າປີ້ຣົດໄຟ, ຄ່າປີ້ຣົດເມດ່ງັນີ້ເປັນ
Language Focus: True/False
Larry: True or False.
Saly: ບົດຝຶກຫັດຖືກຫຼືຜິດ.
ເຊີນຟັງປະໂຫຽກຕໍ່ໄປນີ້. ຖ້າເຫັນວ່າປະໂຫຽກໃດຖືກຕ້ອງແລະເໝາະສົມໃຫ້ເວົ້າວ່າ ແຕ່ກົງກັນຂ້າມຖ້າເຫັນວ່າປະໂຫຽກໃດບໍ່ຖືກ ຕ້ອງຫຼືບໍ່ເໝາະສົມໃຫ້ເວົ້າວ່າ
Eliz: Most airlines want repeat business.
(pause for answer)
Eliz: True. They want their customers to use their airline most of the time.
Eliz: It’s a good idea to buy your tickets a few months ahead of time.
(pause for answer)
Eliz: True. You can often get a big discount.
Saly: ບັດນີ້ມາຟັງຄວາມຮູ້ພິເສດທາງດ້ານວັດທະທຳມາຕັ້ງແຕ່ຕົ້ນຈົນຈົບຈັກບາດເໜາະທ່ານ ເພື່ອວ່າທ່ານຈະໄດ້ເຂົ້າໃຈຄັກກວ່າເກົ່າ.
Gary: Culture Tips
Eliz: Welcome once again to “Culture Tips” with Gary Engleton.
Today’s e-mail question is, “I travel by air frequently.”
“How can I save money on airline tickets?”
Gary: There are several things that you can do.
First, you can join a “frequent flyer club.”
Eliz: Can you tell us more about that?
Gary: Sure.
Well, all airlines want repeat business.
Eliz They want their customers to fly on their airline most of the time, and not on another airline.
Gary: Right. So they give special deals to customers who fly frequently, who fly often.
On many airlines, you get a free ticket after you fly twenty-five thousand miles, if you are a member of
their frequent flyer club.
Eliz: That’s not bad!
Gary: Another way to save money is to check for the lowest fares on the Internet.
There are Internet sites that list fares from all the airlines.
You can compare prices.
Eliz: That’s a great idea!
Gary: And finally, try to purchase your tickets ahead of time, if possible.
You can usually get a big discount if you buy your ticket a few months ahead of time.
Eliz: Thanks, Gary! That’s very useful information.
Now let’s take a short break.
Saly: ພໍມາຮອດໜີ້ເວລາຂອງເຮົາກໍໝົດລົງພຽງທໍ່ນີ້ທ່ານ. ພໍ້ກັນໃໝ່ໃນບົດຮຽນໜ້າ.
FIB Closing