Day in Photos - April 8, 2013

A Coptic Christian man touches a broken crescent and a cross, a symbol of national unity among Christians and Muslims, which was previously on the wall of the main Coptic cathedral in Cairo. A second Egyptian died on Monday of wounds sustained in clashes at the cathedral the previous day in an outbreak of sectarian violence.

Gypsy women throw flower petals into the Arga River in honor of their ancestors on the Day of the Gypsy, in Pamplona, northern Spain.

A relative of Holocaust victims lays flowers next to names of concentration camps during a ceremony marking the annual Holocaust Remembrance Day at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem.

Visitors enjoy a ride on an industrial robot at the Hanover Messe on the first day of the industrial trade fair, in Hanover, Germany. The Hanover fair runs from April 8-12.