Until Cassini's arrival at Saturn in 2004, humanity had never viewed Saturn up close and personal. In all, Cassini has provided more than 453,000 pictures of Saturn, its rings and moons. The final snapshots will be coming down hours before the spacecraft's fiery finish on Friday, Sept. 15. Cassini will burn up like a meteor in Saturn's sky.
ຮູບວົງແຫວນ ແລະເດືອນ ຂອງດາວເສົາ ຖ່າຍໂດຍຍານ Cassini

This Jan. 28, 2016 image made available by NASA shows Saturn's rings, including the darker series of bands called the Cassini Division between the bright B ring, left, and dimmer A ring, right.

This Aug. 12, 2009 composite image made available by NASA shows Saturn in equinox seen by the approaching Cassini spacecraft. Saturn's equinox occurs only once in about 15 Earth years.

This Dec. 3, 2015 image made available by NASA shows three of Saturn's moons - Tethys, above, Enceladus, second left, and Mimas, seen from the Cassini spacecraft.

This 2007 image made available by NASA shows a hydrocarbon sea named Ligeia Mare on Saturn's moon Titan, as seen by the Cassini spacecraft.