The Armenian diaspora in Lebanon commemorates the centenary of the mass killings.
ຊາວອາເມເນຍ ໃນ ເລບານອນ

The neighborhood of Bourj Hammoud is the heart of the Armenian community within Lebanon. April 24th marks the centenary of the Armenian massacre. (John Owen/VOA)

Patil Tchilinguirian is currently preparing an interactive exhibition exploring Armenian identity. (John Owens/VOA)

Visitors and revelers react at the prehistoric stones of the Stonehenge monument at dawn on Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, near Amesbury in south west Britain.

A memorial in the outskirts of Beirut commemorating the mass deportation and killings of Armenians that took place in 1915 under the Ottoman Empire. (John Owen/VOA)