A look at the best news photos from around the world.
ພາບເດັ່ນ ປະຈຳ ວັນທີ 24 ເມສາ 2016

Nepalese gather to attend a candlelight vigil over an art of Dharhara Tower and Kasthamandap temple to mark the one year anniversary of devastating earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, left, and U.S. President Barack Obama review the guard of honor during a welcoming ceremony at Herrenhausen Palace in Hannover, northern Germany. Obama is on a two-day official visit to Germany.

Christians hold candles during the Palm Sunday mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, traditionally believed by many to be the site of the crucifixion and burial of Jesus Christ, in Jerusalem's Old City.

Coptic Orthodox Christians attend a Palm Sunday mass in the Samaan el-Kharaz Monastery in the Mokattam Mountain area of Cairo, Egypt.