ເບິ່ງພາບເດັ່ນຕ່າງໆໃນຂ່າວ ຈາກທົ່ວໂລກ.
ພາບເດັ່ນ ປະຈຳ ວັນທີ 18 ເມສາ 2023

Apple CEO Tim Cook, right, reacts after seeing an old old Macintosh Classic machine brought by a visitor during the opening of the first Apple Inc. flagship store in Mumbai, India.

This satellite image provided by Maxar Technologies shows a destroyed Ukrainian airplane in Khartoum International Airport, Sudan, April 17, 2023. The Sudanese military and a powerful paramilitary group are battling for control of the chaos-stricken nation for a third day.

U.S. journalist Evan Gershkovich is seen inside a defendants' cage before a hearing to consider an appeal on his arrest at the Moscow City Court in Moscow, Russia. A Russian court refused to release Gershkovich from jail while he awaits trial on accusations that he spied on Russia while on a reporting assignment last month.

Retired members of the Lebanese security forces and other protesters scuffle with Lebanese army after they removed a barbed-wire barrier in order to advance towards government buildings during a protest in Beirut.