KENYA ELECTION: Kenya's opposition party candidate is claiming victory in the presidential election, and has called on President Mwai Kibaki to concede defeat or allow a recount, even though election results have yet to be announced. President Kibaki says opposition candidate Raila Odinga's victory claim is a "crime" against democracy. The president says he would welcome a recount to expose massive vote rigging by the opposition party, which also accuses the president's party of fraud in Thursday's election.
IRAQ: General David Petraeus, the top American general in Iraq, told reporters Saturday there were fewer attacks and civilian deaths during 2007. However, he also warned that those gains could be reversed. In a separate announcement, an Iraqi Interior Ministry spokesman said 75 percent of al-Qaida's terrorist network in Iraq was destroyed during the past 12 months. Speaking in Baghdad, the spokesman (Abdul Kareem Khalaf) said increased patrols by Iraqi forces have pushed back al-Qaida's forces to such an extent that their activity is now limited to areas north of the capital
BIN LADEN TAPE: A new recording purportedly from al-Qaida terrorist network leader Osama bin Laden warns Iraqis against participating in any unity government. The audio was posted on the Internet Saturday. In it, bin Laden urges Iraqis to reject efforts to rebuild a U.S.-backed national unity government.
Audio in Lao.