ກຳລັງກະບົດຊົນເຜົ່າໃນມຽນມາໄດ້ສັງຫານຊີວິດຂອງຢ່າງໜ້ອຍ 14 ຄົນ ໃນວັນພະຫັດວານນີ້ ຢູ່ໃນເຫດການທີ່ປາກົດວ່າ ເປັນການໂຈມຕີທີ່ມີການປະສານງານກັນດີ ຕໍ່ມະຫາວິທະຍາໄລທະຫານທີ່ມີຊື່ສຽງ ແລະສະຖານທີ່ອື່ນໆ ຂອງລັດຖະບານທີ່ຢູ່ໃນເປົ້າໝາຍ ຢູ່ໃນພາກເໜືອຂອງປະເທດ, ອີງຕາມໂຄສົກຂອງທະຫານຄົນນຶ່ງ.
ກຸ່ມຕິດອາວຸດດັ່ງກ່າວໄດ້ຕໍ່ສູ້ກັບທະຫານຂອງມຽນມາ ມາໄດ້ຫລາຍທົດສະວັດແລ້ວ ເພື່ອໃຫ້ຊົນເຜົ່າກຸ່ມນ້ອຍມີສິດປົກຄອງຕົນເອງຫລາຍຂຶ້ນ. ການລວມກຸ່ມກັນ ຂອງກຳລັງທະຫານຊົນເຜົ່າຕ່າງໆ ທີ່ເອີ້ນວ່າພັນທະມິດທາງພາກເໜືອຫລື Northern Alliance, ໄດ້ອ້າງວ່າຕົນເປັນຄົນທຳການໂຈມຕີດັ່ງກ່າວ. ຖະແຫຼງການຈາກພວກທະຫານເວົ້າວ່າ ພວກທຳການໂຈມຕີ ໄດ້ໃຊ້ເຄື່ອງຍິງຈະຫລວດ 107 ມມ ຢູ່ໃນການໂຈມຕີ 2 ຄັ້ງຂອງທັງໝົດ 5 ຄັ້ງນັ້ນ.
ທ່ານ ມອງ ມອງ ໂຊ (Maung Maung Soe), ນັກວິເຄາະເຫດການກ່ຽວກັບວຽກງານຊົນຊາດ ຊົນເຜົ່າ ກ່າວຕໍ່ວີໂອເອພະແນກພາສາມຽນມາວ່າ "ການໂຈມຕີມື້ນີ້ ບໍ່ໄດ້ແນເປົ້າໝາຍໃສ່ ບ່ອນດຽວ…ມັນເປັນການປະຕິບັດງານ ທີ່ມີການປະສານງານກັນຫລາຍກວ່າ. ຂ້າພະເຈົ້າຄິດວ່າ ຈະມີການຕໍ່ສູ້ກັນຕາມມາ ອີກ ບໍ່ແມ່ນພຽງແຕ່ມາຈາກຝ່າຍພັນທະມິດຢູ່ທາງພາກເໜືອດອກ ມັນຍັງຈະມາຈາກຝ່າຍທະຫານ ນຳອີກ ຊຶ່ງເປັນການແກ້ແຄ້ນຄືນ ຕໍ່ການໂຈມຕີຕໍ່ຖະໜົນສຳຄັນສາຍນຶ່ງ ແລະເຂດຕົວເມືອງ. ສະນັ້ນ, ການຕໍ່ສູ້ກັນ ອາດເພີ້ມຄວາມຮ້າຍແຮງຂຶ້ນກໍເປັນໄດ້."
ທ່ານ ຕາ ເອັກ ຈໍ (Ta Aik Kyaw), ໂຄສົກຂອງກອງທັບປົດປ່ອຍຊາດ ປາລອງ/ຕາອັງ (Palaung/Ta'ang) ຫລື TNLA ກ່າວຕໍ່ວີໂອເອພະແນກພາສາ ມຽນມາວ່າ "ການຕໍ່ສູ້ກັນໃນມື້ເຊົ້ານີ້ ມີຂຶ້ນຢູ່ໃນປະມານ 5 ແຫ່ງຊຶ່ງໃນນັ້ນ ສອງແຫ່ງ ແມ່ນຢູ່ໃນເມືອງພຢິນ ອູ ລວິນ (Pyin Oo Lwin) ແລະ 3 ແຫ່ງ ແມ່ນຢູ່ໃນເມືອງນອງໂຈ (Naung Cho). …ສະມາຊິກຂອງພັນທະມິດພວກເຮົາ 3 ກອງ ກໍຄື MNDAA [ຊຶ່ງແມ່ນກອງທັບພັນທະມິດປະຊາທິປະໄຕແຫ່ງຊາດຂອງມຽນມາ], AA [ຊຶ່ງໝາຍເຖິງກອງທັບອາຄາຣານ] ແລະພວກເຮົາເອງ,TNLA ໄດ້ເຂົ້າຮ່ວມການຕໍ່ສູ້ດັ່ງກ່າວ."
ທ່ານກ່າວຕໍ່ໄປວ່າ ພວກເຂົາເຈົ້າໄດ້ໂຈມວິທະຍາຄານບໍລິການດ້ານເທັກໂນໂລຈີປ້ອງກັນປະເທດທີ່ມີຊື່ສຽງ ຢູ່ໃນເມືອງພຢິນ ອູ ລວິນ (Pyin Oo Lwin), ປະຕູເກັບຄ່າຜ່ານທາງ ແລະບ່ອນກວດເພື່ອຕ້ານຢາເສບຕິດຢູ່ໃນເມືອງນອງໂຈ (Naung Cho), ປ້ອມຕຳຫລວດ ໂກກທວີນ (Goak-Twin) ແລະຂົວ ໂກກ ທວີນ (Goak-Twin).
ທ່ານກ່າວເພີ້ມອີກວ່າ ການໂຈມຕີດັ່ງກ່າວ ເບິ່ງຈາກພາຍນອກແລ້ວ ແມ່ນເປັນ ການແກ້ແຄ້ນຄືນ ຕໍ່ການໂຈມຕີຂອງທະຫານເມື່ອມໍ່ໆມານີ້ ຢູ່ໃນເຂດຂອງ ພັນທະມິດທາງພາກເໜືອເຖິງແມ່ນວ່າ ການສະຫງົບເສິກຝ່າຍດຽວລະຫວ່າງ ກຸ່ມດັ່ງກ່າວ ກັບຝ່າຍທະຫານ ໄດ້ຍັງມີຜົນບັງຄັບໃຊ້ຢູ່ຈົນເຖິງທ້າຍເດືອນສິງຫານີ້ ກໍຕາມ.
Ethnic rebel forces in Myanmar killed at least 14 people Thursdayin what appeared to be coordinated attacks on an elite military college and other government targets in the country's north, according to a military spokesman.
The armed groups have been fighting Myanmar's military for several decades for greater autonomy for ethnic minorities. The confederation of ethnic forces, known as the Northern Alliance, claimed credit for the attacks. A statement from the military said the attackers used 107 mm rocket launchers in two of the five assaults.
Maung Maung Soe, an ethnic affairs analyst, told VOA's Burmese Service, "The attack[s] today didn't aim at a single target … it's more like a [coordinated] operation. I think more fighting could follow not just from the Northern Alliance, but the army as well, which would retaliate against the attacks on a major road and urban area. So, fighting could escalate."
Ta Aik Kyaw, spokesperson for the Palaung/Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) told VOA Burmese that "fighting this morning took place around five locations, with two in Pyin Oo Lwin and three in Naung Cho. … Three members of our alliance MNDAA [the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army], AA [the Arakan Army] and we, the TNLA, joined the fight."
They attacked the prestigious Defense Services Technological Academy in Pyin Oo Lwin, the Naung Cho anti-narcotics toll-gate and check point, the Goak-Twin police station, and the Goak-Twin Bridge, he said.
The attacks ostensibly were retaliation for a recent military offensive in the Northern Alliance area, even though a unilateral cease-fire between the group and the military is in effect until the end of August, he added.
Military spokesperson Brigadier Zaw Min Tun told VOA Burmese the attacks were a response to several successful raids by the military against illicit drug operations overseen by Northern Alliance members.
Two soldiers were killed at the narcotics checkpoint, three died at the police post and "at least five soldiers also were killed after they reinforced [the post]," according to the brigadier.
At least a dozen civilians were killed in this morning's attack, according to local relief volunteers.
Military forces have launched operations against the TNLA and its affiliates in the Shan State area, which has long been a center of conflict. In the past, it was known for heroin production. Today, methamphetamine tablets and high quality crystal meth generate significant income.
According to the Crisis Group [[ https://www.crisisgroup.org/asia/south-east-asia/myanmar/299-fire-and-ice-conflict-and-drugs-myanmars-shan-state ]], the drug production in the region benefits from "a good infrastructure, proximity to precursor supplies from China, and safe havens," which are provided by pro-government militias and armed ethnic groups.