Residents of San Juan, Puerto Rico continued the post-Hurricane Maria clean-up process Tues, Oct. 3, as President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump landed on the island to survey the recovery efforts.
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President Donald Trump arrives at Luis Muniz Air National Guard Base to survey hurricane damage and recovery efforts, Oct. 3, 2017, in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump arrive at Luis Muniz Air National Guard Base to survey hurricane damage and recovery efforts, Oct. 3, 2017, in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Man surveys damage from Hurricane Maria in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Oct. 3, 2017. (Photo: C. Mendoza / VOA)

Downed telephone poll and electrical wires on a street in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Oct. 3, 2017. (Photo: C. Mendoza / VOA)