Aceh bore the brunt of what was one of the largest-ever natural disasters, triggered by an earthquake so large that scientists said it caused the Earth to wobble on its axis by a few centimeters
ອາເຈ່ ບູລະນະສ້າງສາ ຄືນໃໝ່ ຫຼັງຈາກ ສຸນາມິ

The Apung 1 barge, which was generating electricity offshore, was carried five kilometers by the tsunami and came to rest atop two houses. (Steve Herman/VOA News)

A damaged structure on a beach on the northwestern coast of Sumatra stands as testament to the force of the tsunami. (Steve Herman/VOA News)

Surya was seven when the tsunami hit. He was seriously injured and spent a month in hospital. Twelve of his 16 family members perished. (Steve Herman/VOA News)

Three girls at a secondary school in Aceh which was destroyed in the tsunami. Construction continues a decade later. (Steve Herman/VOA News)