15 ຄົນ ເສຍຊີວິດ ຍ້ອນພູໄຟ ຢູ່ ອິນໂດເນເຊຍ

Kapitoliy - AQSh Kongressi joylashgan bino, Vashington

Ash-covered motorcycles are pictured as a rescue team walks by following the Mount Sinabung eruption at Suka Meriah village in Karo, North Sumatra province, Feb. 2, 2014.

A police officer walks through ash during rescue operations after the Mount Sinabung eruption, near Suka Meriah village in Karo, North Sumatra province Feb. 2, 2014.

Nurses dress a victim of the eruption of Mount Sinabung for burial at a hospital in Kabanjahe, North Sumatra, Indonesia, Feb. 1, 2014.