The operator of Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant is coming under fire for contaminated groundwater that has been seeping into the ocean. It is the latest problem at the crippled plant.
ປະມວນພາບ ກ່ຽວກັບ ໂຮງງານນີວເຄລຍ Fukushima ນັບແຕ່ມີຟອງຍັກ ຊຸນາມິ

Monks enter the main hall for a memorial service for the March 11 earthquake and tsunami victims at Flora Memorial Hall in Soma, Fukushima Prefecture, April 28, 2011. (AP)

Pennsylvania, ABD.

Mourners in protective suits hold flowers at a memorial ceremony for residents from the town of Okuma, inside the contaminated exclusion zone near the crippled Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant, July 24, 2011.

Men sort and clean protective masks at J-Village, a soccer training complex serving as an operation base for those battling Japan's nuclear disaster, Nov. 11, 2011. (AP)