ນໍ້າມັນຮົ່ວໄຫລ ຢູ່ເກາະໄທ ອາດໄປຮອດຊາຍຝັ່ງ ແຜ່ນດິນໃຫຍ່

Workers use buckets to remove crude oil during a cleanup operation on the beach of Prao Bay on Samet Island, Thailand, July 30, 2013.

A worker pours crude oil into a basket during a cleanup operation on the beach of Prao Bay on Samet Island, Thailand, July 30, 2013.

Workers remove crude oil during a cleanup operation on the beach of Prao Bay on Samet Island, Thailand, July 30, 2013.

Streaks of crude oil are seen on the shore of Prao Bay on Samet Island, Thailand, July 29, 2013.