ຊາວຊີເຣຍ ເຊື້ອສາຍອາເມເນຍ ຢາກໄປລີ້ໄພ ຢູ່ອາເມເນຍ

A waitress puts in an order at Anteb, where the accents and cuisine are from western Armenia, the ancestral homeland for most Syrian Armenians, February 20, 2013. (V. Undritz/VOA)

At Anteb, the cook follows the old recipes of western Armenia, February 20, 2013. (V. Undritz/VOA)

Sarkiss Rshdouni, a 25 year old from Aleppo, works in Yerevan as a foreign currency trader, a job where he can use his Arabic skills, February 20, 2013. (V. Undritz/VOA)

Sarkiss Balkhian grew up in Syria and went to university in the United States before coming to Armenia, his ancestral homeland, to help refugees adjust to their new lives, February 20, 2013. (V. Undritz/VOA)