Thousands of Democrats, media, and visitors are at the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina.
ກອງປະຊຸມຫລວງປີ 2012 ຂອງພັກເດໂມແຄຣັທ

São cada vez mais as celebridades que aderem ao fenómeno. Da arte à política, passando pelo desporto, ninguém lhe resiste. Se quer uma boa "selfie" tente tirar junto a uma celebridade. O fenómeno tem tudo a ver com popularidade

A group of third grade students rehearse saying the Pledge of Allegiance ahead of the first day of the convention in Time Warner Cable Arena, September 4, 2012.

Advertisements for the DNC line the walls at the Charlotte Douglas International Airport.

Protesters block an intersection near the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina for several hours while surrounded by police who allow the demonstration to continue, September 4, 2012. (J. Featherly/VOA)