Republicans have descended on Tampa, Florida as they prepare to officially nominate Mitt Romney as their party's presidential nominee.
ກອງປະຊຸມຫລວງ ປີ 2012 ຂອງພັກຣີພັບບລິກັນ ເລີ້ມຕົ້ນແລ້ວ The 2012 Republican National Convention Begins

Rigger Omar Acebedo climbs down to the floor of the convention center after adjusting a light fixture.

Convention goers enjoy their pizza lunch in front of a large video screen showing Mitt Romney and his wife Ann at the second session of the RNC.

Men prepare food in a protest camp called "Romneyville," August 28, 2012.

Vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan, center, works on the speech he will deliver at the Republican National Convention, with senior adviser Dan Senor, left, and senior aid Conor Sweeney.