HRW ກ່າວ​ຫາ ຊູ​ດານ​ໃຕ້ ກໍ່​ອາ​ຊະ​ຍາ​ກຳ​ສົງ​ຄາມ

Physically disabled Angelina, 20, was left behind when members of a militia allied with the South Sudan army abducted three women and a teenage girl that she was hiding with. “When I fled [my village], I felt very tired and I sometimes would fall and have

Women and children venture outside the UNMISS camp near Bentiu, in South Sudan, to collect firewood and charcoal. Unity state, of which Bentiu is the capital, has seen an uptick in fighting since the last round of peace talks collapsed in March, and leavi

An elderly woman from Rubkona county fled to the UNMISS camp in Bentiu in June after army soldiers threatened to kill her as she went to market in June.

Children queue for water in the UNMISS camp near Bentiu. As of the end of June, about 81,000 internally displaced persons, including at least 28,000 new arrivals in April and May, lived in the camp in cramped and unsanitary conditions.

Nyacour sought shelter in the UNMISS camp in Bentiu when militia fighters allied to the South Sudanese army attacked her village in Koch county. She says she was beaten and her hut burnt down in the attack. Her husband is still hiding in the bush.

Nyanial, 22, nurses one of her children at the UNMISS camp in Bentiu in June. Nyanial fled to the camp after her village in Koch county was attacked by government soldiers and allied militia fighters in May. "We thought that women and children would be safe but we were  wrong."