Explosion Rocks South Beirut

A man carries an injured woman away from the site of a car bomb explosion in a southern suburb of Beirut, Jan. 2, 2014.

인도네시아 자바 중부 칠라캅 항구에 호주인 마약사범 2명을 태운 것으로 보이는 방탄경찰차량이 도착했다. 이들은 사형 집행을 위해 누사캄판간 섬의 교도소로 이감됐다.

A firefighter extinguishes a fire at the site of an explosion in Beirut's southern suburbs, Jan. 2, 2014.

A man extinguishes burned cars at the site of a car bomb explosion in a southern suburb of Beirut, Jan. 2, 2014.

Women who left their destroyed home cry out after a car bomb explosion in a southern suburb of Beirut, Jan. 2, 2014.