ພາບເດັ່ນ ປະຈຳ ວັນທີ 24 ເມສາ 2016

Nepalese gather to attend a candlelight vigil over an art of Dharhara Tower and Kasthamandap temple to mark the one year anniversary of devastating earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, left, and U.S. President Barack Obama review the guard of honor during a welcoming ceremony at Herrenhausen Palace in Hannover, northern Germany. Obama is on a two-day official visit to Germany. 

Christians hold candles during the Palm Sunday mass at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, traditionally believed by many to be the site of the crucifixion and burial of Jesus Christ, in Jerusalem's Old City.

Coptic Orthodox Christians attend a Palm Sunday mass in the Samaan el-Kharaz Monastery in the Mokattam Mountain area of Cairo, Egypt.

A reveler falls from the chair as he participates in the office chair racing in Tainan city, southern Taiwan.

Racka sheep are seen during celebrations of the start of the new grazing season in the Great Hungarian Plain in Hortobagy, Hungary, April 23, 2016.

Solar Impulse 2 flies over San Francisco, April 23, 2016. The solar-powered airplane, which is attempting to circumnavigate the globe to promote clean energy and the spirit of innovation, arrived from Hawaii after a three-day journey across the Pacific Ocean.

A runner in a fancy ear costume takes part in the 2016 London Marathon in central London.

Thousands of cyclists raise their bikes during a march called "I Bike Budapest" in Budapest, Hungary, 23 April 2016. The mass parade was organized by the Hungarian Cyclists' Club to urge officials to build further tracks for cyclists in the streets and on the roads.

People hold up face masks with William Shakespeare's portrait during celebrations to mark the 400th anniversary of the playwright's death in the city of his birth, Stratford-Upon-Avon, Britain, April 23, 2016.

People take part in a pillow fight during a flash mob in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Emilia Pechinkova, a 24-years-old Bulgarian Pomak bride, is seen after the "gelina" or face painting ceremony carried out by female guests and relatives in preparation for her three-day wedding ceremony in in the village of Draginovo, 100 kms southeast of Sofia.

Artist Chin Chih Yang performs "Kill Me or Change" with 30,000 cans falling and burying the artist underneath a mountain of garbage, at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Taipei, Taiwan, April 23, 2016.