World News, 12/15/04 - 2004-12-15

Reports from the Greek capital, Athens, say two gunmen who seized a bus with 26 people on board have released at least five of their hostages. The bus was en route from Marathon, east of Athens, to the city center when it was hijacked early today. Shortly after the hijacking, the driver and ticket collector managed to escape along with one passenger.

Iraq's interim defense minister says one of Saddam Hussein's closest aides, Ali Hassan al-Majid--better known as Chemical Ali--will be the first member of the ousted regime to go on trial for war crimes. The minister, Hazem Shaalan, told reporters in Baghdad today the trial could begin as early as next week and that he did not expect it to be a long process.

A Buddhist village chief and an ice cream vendor have been gunned down today in the latest violence to hit Thailand's strife-torn, Muslim-majority south. Police say the village chief was killed by a gunman riding on the back of a motorcycle in Narathiwat province. Hours later, an ice cream vendor was shot and killed while he was working in the province's Sungai Padee district.

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