World News, 10/28/04 - 2004-10-28

Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his Palestinian counterpart, Ahmed Quereia, spoke by telephone today to discuss the issue of medical treatment for ailing Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

A Muslim separatist group is warning of a violent backlash over the deaths of some 84 people during protests Monday in southern Thailand. The Pattani United Liberation Organization issued the warning on its Internet website.

Cambodia has begun three days of ceremonies centering on Friday's formal coronation of King Norodom Sihamoni. The pageantry began today (Thursday) at Cambodia's royal palace, with King Sihamoni receiving visits from lawmakers, monks, diplomats and family members. Several Buddhist and Brahmin ceremonies also begin today.

The 51-year-old monarch will be officially crowned and seated on the throne late Friday, and will conclude the festivities by addressing the nation Saturday.

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