World News, 7/26/04 - 2004-07-27

Iraqi officials say a senior Interior Ministry official has been gunned down in Baghdad. Mussab al-Awadi, who dealt with tribal affairs, was shot dead today (Monday) along with two bodyguards as he left his home in the capital. Earlier, U.S. military officials in the northern city of Mosul said a suicide bomber detonated a vehicle at the entrance to an American base, killing an Iraqi woman and child, as well as an Iraqi guard. At least three American soldiers and two Iraqi security personnel were wounded by the blast.

Philippine President Gloria Arroyo has rejected criticism of her decision to pull Manila's troops out of Iraq to save the life of a captive Philippine truck driver. Ms. Arroyo opened a speech today (Monday) laying out plans for her new six-year term by praising the release last week of Angelo de la Cruz, who had been held hostage by militants in Iraq.

Australian Prime Minister John Howard says his government will ignore a threat of attack by a group claiming to be the European wing of the al-Qaida terrorist network. Mr. Howard says (today / Monday) Australia will not negotiate with any terrorists, but is trying to learn more about the previously unknown Islamic Tawhid Group, which (signed an Internet message last week that) said there would be bloodshed in Australia, Italy, Bulgaria and Poland unless their troops leave Iraq.

Australia's Foreign Minister Alexander Downer says the militants who issue such threats were encouraged by the Spanish and Philippine governments' decision to remove their troops from Iraq.

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