World News, 3/3/04 - 2004-03-03

Massachusetts Senator John Kerry all but clinches the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, winning nine out of 10 state primaries or caucuses Tuesday.

Iraqis onserving three days of mourning for the 170 people killed in coordinated bombings Tuesday in Baghdad and the holy city of Karbala.

Nepalese officials say at least 39 people have been killed in a fierce gunbattle involving soldiers, police and Maoist rebels in a remote eastern region of the country.

Ethnic Hmong refugees in Thailand have met with the mayor of an American city where thousands of the Lao tribespeople are due to be resettled this year.

Mayor Randy Kelly of Saint Paul, Minnesota, held the meeting Tuesday at a refugee camp (Wat Tham Krabok) 100-kilometers north of Bangkok. He later said he assured the Hmong that, if they come to the United States and work hard, they can be successful. His northern city could take in at least half of the estimated 15-thousand refugees at the camp. Saint Paul already has the largest Hmong population outside of Southeast Asia -- at least 45-thousand of them.

In December, the Bush administration announced its intention to accept for resettlement thousands of the Hmong refugees who have been living in Thailand for years.

Members of the Hmong ethnic group fought alongside U-S forces when the Vietnam war spilled over into Laos. They continued their insurgency after the war ended, and many are still believed to be hiding and fighting the communist government from the remote hills of Laos.

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