Argentina and Terrorism

Argentina and Terrorism

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Addressing the UN General Assembly, Argentine President Cristina Fernandez called on Iran to extradite former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani [ahk-BAHR hah-sheh-MEE rahf-sahn jah-NEE] and several other Iranians. She wants them to stand trial for the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires. The bombing, which killed eighty-five people and wounded more than one hundred and fifty others, was the worst terrorist attack in Argentine history.In 2006, Argentine chief prosecutor Albert Nisman said that the decision to attack the community center was undertaken. . . .by the highest authorities of the then-government of Iran. Argentina had recently stopped selling Iran nuclear equipment. In 2007, at the request of the Argentine government, the international police agency Interpol put five Iranians, including a former Iranian intelligence minister, a former head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps, and a Revolutionary Guards Corps general, on the equivalent of a most-wanted list for their role in the attack. Also named was Imad Moughnieh [eye-MAD mohg-NEE-eh], a senior operative in the Iran and Syria-backed terrorist organization Hezbollah.In his address to the UN General Assembly, President George Bush said most nations understand that terrorism poses a fundamental threat to international order -- that no cause can justify the deliberate taking of innocent life. But, said Mr. Bush, there are exceptions:ACT :09 - DALET/POLICY/ACTUALITIES A few nations - regimes like Syria and Iran - continue to sponsor terror. Yet their numbers are growing fewer, and they're growing more isolated from the world. (END ACT)President Bush says the civilized world must stand united in the fight against terror and must bring terrorists to justice. We must continue working to deny the terrorists refuge anywhere in the world. . . .We must not relent until our people are safe from this threat to civilization.