Mr. Gomez Invites Mr. Blake into his  Office and Offers him Coffee or Tea

Functioning In Business, FIB 9F-6

FIB 9F – 6


FIB 9F – 6

Saly: ;ymp5;u3vgv0=lgou[qfIPorklkva’dyf Functioning In Business.

FIB Opening

Saly: ;ymp5^kp [qfIPo0v’gIqk,NoN9tgiju,8Qofh;prkdlj;o0v’

[qfIPomju,u-jn;jk |hkmju0v’rklkD

Language Focus: Questions Based on FIB Dialog

Larry: Questions.

Larry: Listen to the question, then listen to the dialog.

Saly: vaofa[8=jwxgIqk,u7e4k,8jk’M,k.shmjko2a’D sa^’9kdoAomjko9twfhpyo[qf3vh]q,

LAoM -jb’9t,u7e8v[0v’7e4k,faj’djk;1j6.osAoD g-uo2a’7adMD

Eliz: What does Mr. Gomez do to make Mr. Blake feel more comfortable?

(short pause)

Gomez: Uh, you must be tired from your trip.

Why don’t we go into the office and sit down and relax for a few minutes...

And we can get some coffee or tea if you’d like?

Blake: Okay, that sounds great.

Gomez: Great.

Eliz: What does Mr. Gomez do to make Mr. Blake feel more comfortable?


(pause for answer)

Eliz: He invites him into the office and offers him coffee or tea.

(short pause)


Culture Tips: Beginning a Business Relationship

Larry: Culture Tips

Saly: 7;k,Ih6ryglfmk’fhko;amotma,D

le]a[7;k,Ih6ryglfmk’fhko;amotma,gmnjvoUmjko9twfhIh6;jk gIqk9tgiuj,8Qo


“How can we begin a good business relationship?”

· light refreshments cx;jkvkskog[qk \kpg4y’g7jnv’dyog]adMohvpM


· “breaking the ice” leo;ooU “breaking the ice”

4hk9tcx8k,38gIqkd=9tcx,ao;jk ma[oEdhvo c8j7;k,


,ao\kp7;k,,;jk g;Qk]q,daoc[[gxaogv’

c[[[=jgvqk9y’gvqk9a’s^ngvqk]hkgvqkdko grjnvme7;k,


Eliz: Welcome once again to “Culture Tips” with Gary Engleton.

Today, our e-mail question is “We have some important American visitors coming to our office.”

“How can we begin a good business relationship?”

Gary: Well, first, you need to make your visitors feel comfortable.

Eliz: What’s the best way to do that?

Gary: Well, for example, don’t talk about serious business at first.

Welcome them and introduce everyone in the group.

You should then offer them some light refreshments.

Eliz: Light? Like coffee or a soft drink?

Gary: Yes. And everyone should sit down together to get to know each other.

And at the beginning, “small talk” is very important.

You might ask them how their trip was.

Or you could say, “Is this the first time you’ve been in our city?”

Eliz: This is sometimes called “breaking the ice.”

Gary: Definitely. When you first meet someone, the relationship can feel cold or “icy.”

You try to create a warm relationship by making your visitors feel comfortable.

Eliz: I understand. Well, thanks for your information, Gary.


Saly: ]v’m;o7no9ad[kfg[yj’g|ktmjko ;jk Gary wfhcotoe.shgIqkgIafco;.fcfj grjnvgiju,8Qolhk’lkprq;raomjuf.odkomem5itdyfuD ]k;g;Qk;jk djvovnjo\qfgIqk

8hv’gIaf.shc0dI6hlbdlt[kp.9 gxaodaogv’ c]t,u7;k,vq[vj5o -bj’7;k,g;Qkmjule

7aod=c,jo7e;jk comfortable.

Gary: Well, first, you need to make your visitors feel comfortable.

Saly: ovd9kdoU]k;d=pa’g;Qk;jk 1jk-6Iu[2hk;g;Qkgijnv’9y’M9a’Ms^ngvqkdkogvqk’ko

3]f .sh-vdg;Qk small talk sn^ breaking the ice djvo g-ajocotoe.shm5d7qoIh69ad

daodjvoF g;Qk]q,daogijnv’vkdkffja’oUgxao8QoD

Language Focus: True/False

Larry: True or False.

Saly: [qf/bdsaf 4nds^nzyf True or False.

Eliz: Serious business talk is very useful at the beginning of a relationship.


(pause for answer)

Eliz: False. Small talk is better at first.

Eliz: “Breaking the ice” means helping people become more comfortable with each other.


(pause for answer)

Eliz: True. Small talk and light refreshments are good ways to break the ice at the beginning of a meeting.


Saly: ,NoUgsaolq,7;ocdjg;]kc]h;mjkoD 1jk]n,]=rq[da[r;dgIqkvud.o[qfIPo|hkD

FIB Closing

;ymp5;u3vgv0=lgou[qfIPorklkva’dyf Functioning In Business.

FIB Opening

Saly: [qfIPo0v’gIqk,NoN9tgiju,8Qofh;prkdlj;o0v’

[qfIPomju,u-jn;jk |hkmju0v’rklkD

Language Focus: Questions Based on FIB Dialog

Larry: Questions.

Larry: Listen to the question, then listen to the dialog.

Saly: vaofa[8=jwxgIqk,u7e4k,8jk’M,k.shmjko2a’D sa^’9kdoAomjko9twfhpyo[qf3vh]q,

LAoM -jb’9t,u7e8v[0v’7e4k,faj’djk;1j6.osAoD g-uo2a’7adMD

Eliz: What does Mr. Gomez do to make Mr. Blake feel more comfortable?

(short pause)

Gomez: Uh, you must be tired from your trip.

Why don’t we go into the office and sit down and relax for a few minutes...

And we can get some coffee or tea if you’d like?

Blake: Okay, that sounds great.

Gomez: Great.

Eliz: What does Mr. Gomez do to make Mr. Blake feel more comfortable?


(pause for answer)

Eliz: He invites him into the office and offers him coffee or tea.

(short pause)


Culture Tips: Beginning a Business Relationship

Larry: Culture Tips

Saly: 7;k,Ih6ryglfmk’fhko;amotma,D

le]a[7;k,Ih6ryglfmk’fhko;amotma,gmnjvoUmjko9twfhIh6;jk gIqk9tgiuj,8Qo


“How can we begin a good business relationship?”

· light refreshments cx;jkvkskog[qk \kpg4y’g7jnv’dyog]adMohvpM


· “breaking the ice” leo;ooU “breaking the ice”

4hk9tcx8k,38gIqkd=9tcx,ao;jk ma[oEdhvo c8j7;k,


,ao\kp7;k,,;jk g;Qk]q,daoc[[gxaogv’

c[[[=jgvqk9y’gvqk9a’s^ngvqk]hkgvqkdko grjnvme7;k,


Eliz: Welcome once again to “Culture Tips” with Gary Engleton.

Today, our e-mail question is “We have some important American visitors coming to our office.”

“How can we begin a good business relationship?”

Gary: Well, first, you need to make your visitors feel comfortable.

Eliz: What’s the best way to do that?

Gary: Well, for example, don’t talk about serious business at first.

Welcome them and introduce everyone in the group.

You should then offer them some light refreshments.

Eliz: Light? Like coffee or a soft drink?

Gary: Yes. And everyone should sit down together to get to know each other.

And at the beginning, “small talk” is very important.

You might ask them how their trip was.

Or you could say, “Is this the first time you’ve been in our city?”

Eliz: This is sometimes called “breaking the ice.”

Gary: Definitely. When you first meet someone, the relationship can feel cold or “icy.”

You try to create a warm relationship by making your visitors feel comfortable.

Eliz: I understand. Well, thanks for your information, Gary.


Saly: ]v’m;o7no9ad[kfg[yj’g|ktmjko ;jk Gary wfhcotoe.shgIqkgIafco;.fcfj grjnvgiju,8Qolhk’lkprq;raomjuf.odkomem5itdyfuD ]k;g;Qk;jk djvovnjo\qfgIqk

8hv’gIaf.shc0dI6hlbdlt[kp.9 gxaodaogv’ c]t,u7;k,vq[vj5o -bj’7;k,g;Qkmjule

7aod=c,jo7e;jk comfortable.

Gary: Well, first, you need to make your visitors feel comfortable.

Saly: ovd9kdoU]k;d=pa’g;Qk;jk 1jk-6Iu[2hk;g;Qkgijnv’9y’M9a’Ms^ngvqkdkogvqk’ko

3]f .sh-vdg;Qk small talk sn^ breaking the ice djvo g-ajocotoe.shm5d7qoIh69ad

daodjvoF g;Qk]q,daogijnv’vkdkffja’oUgxao8QoD

Language Focus: True/False

Larry: True or False.

Saly: [qf/bdsaf 4nds^nzyf True or False.

Eliz: Serious business talk is very useful at the beginning of a relationship.


(pause for answer)

Eliz: False. Small talk is better at first.

Eliz: “Breaking the ice” means helping people become more comfortable with each other.


(pause for answer)

Eliz: True. Small talk and light refreshments are good ways to break the ice at the beginning of a meeting.


Saly: ,NoUgsaolq,7;ocdjg;]kc]h;mjkoD 1jk]n,]=rq[da[r;dgIqkvud.o[qfIPo|hkD

FIB Closing