Mr. Gomez Welcomes Mr. Blake to Federal Motors

FIB VOA Jingle

Functioning In Business, FIB 9D-5

Saly: Lao Opening

FIB Opening

FIB MUSIC lead-in and then background

Eliz: Hello, I’m Elizabeth Moore. Welcome to Functioning in Business!

MUSIC swells and fades

Larry: Functioning in Business is an intermediate level business English course with a focus on American business practices and culture.

Today’s unit is “A New Customer, Part 4.”

This program focuses on Arriving at an Office.

Saly: Explanations in Lao what Functioning in Business is.


Interview: Blake

Larry: Interview

Saly: Lao word for interview

Eliz: Today, we are talking to Charles Blake.

He is in his office in Beijing. :

SFX: Phone beep

Eliz: Hello, Mr. Blake.

Blake: Hello.

Eliz: Today, we are listening to your first conversation at Federal Motors.

You arrived to see Mr. Stewart Chapman.

Blake: Yes.... but he was out of the office on a personal matter.

So I met with Dave Gomez.

Eliz: Let’s listen to that conversation. MUSIC

Saly: Explanations in Lao of the phrase "personal matter" with examples.

Dialog: FIB Dialog, Blake, first meeting with


Larry: Dialog

Saly: The word dialog in Lao.

Larry: Mr. Gomez welcomes Mr. Blake to Federal Motors.

Saly: Explanations about the following dialog.

Gomez: Good morning Mr. Blake.

Welcome to Federal Motors. My name is Dave Gomez.

Blake: Pleased to meet you, Mr. Gomez.

Gomez: Nice to meet you.

Did you have a good trip to New York?

Blake: Yes, and I’m looking forward to staying here for a few days and doing some business.

Gomez: Great.


Language Focus: Variations

Larry: Variations.

Listen to these variations.

Saly: Explanations in Lao about variations.

Chinese: Listen to these variations.

Eliz: Welcome to Federal Motors.

Larry: I’d like to welcome you to Federal Motors.


Eliz: My name is Dave Gomez.

Larry: I’m Dave Gomez.

(pauseEliz: Pleased to meet you.

Larry: I’m very pleased to meet you.


Eliz: Nice to meet you.

Larry: It’s a pleasure to meet you.



Interview: Blake

Larry: Interview

Saly: The word interview in Lao

Eliz: Mr. Blake, how did you feel when you found out that Mr. Chapman was out of


Blake: Well, naturally, I was a little disappointed at first.

I was looking forward to meeting Mr. Chapman.

But instead I had to talk with someone else.

Eliz: Uh-huh.

Blake: He seemed very nice, but I didn’t know anything about his background.

That made me a bit nervous.

Eliz: I understand completely, Mr. Blake.

Well, thank you for talking to us today.

Blake: Sure. You’re welcome.

Eliz: Let’s take a short break.


Saly: Explanations in Lao the word with an example.

FIB Closing