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New Dynamic English, NDE 9D-4
Saly: Lao Opening
NDE Opening
Question of the Week (answer): What can’t you buy?
Larry: Question of the Week!
Saly: Explanations about this "Questions of the Week"
What can’t you buy?
a magazine Lao translation
Max: Well, Kathy, it’s Question of the Week time again.
Are you ready?
Kathy: I certainly am!
Max: Okay, Kathy.
This week, I’m going to talk about some places and ask you what you can’t buy there.
Kathy: Sounds like fun!
Max: All right...first question: What can’t you buy at a fast food restaurant?
Hamburgers..., stamps... or French fries?
Kathy: What can’t I buy at a fast food restaurant...a hamburger, stamps or French fries?
Well, of course, I can’t buy stamps at a fast food restaurant.
Max: Excellent answer, Kathy.
You can’t buy stamps at a fast food restaurant.
You buy stamps at a post office.
Okay, second question: What can’t you buy at a post office: stamps, envelopes or shirts?
Kathy: At a post office? Stamps...., envelopes.... or shirts?
Shirts! I can’t buy a shirt at a post office!
Max: Great, Kathy! You can’t buy shirts at a post office.
Question number three: What can’t you buy at a clothing store: shirts, French fries or dresses?
Kathy: At a clothing store? Shirts, French fries, or dresses?
Everyone knows you can’t buy French fries at a clothing store.
Max: Are you sure about that, Kathy?
Kathy: Of course, I’m sure!
Max: Well, you’re right again, Kathy. You can’t buy French fries at a clothing store.
Once again, you’ve done very well.
Kathy: Thanks, Max. I had fun.
Larry: A Question for You
Saly: A Question for You in Lao.
Max: Now here’s a question for you.
Larry: Listen for the bell, then say your answer.
Saly: Instructions in Lao
Max: In your country, do people like to travel in motorhomes?
(pause for answer)
Max: Unh hunh. Okay!
Saly: Brief explanations in Lao about the following part.
Larry: OK... and we’re off the air.
SFX: show ending sounds and music, followed by newspaper rustling
Kathy: (VO) Hmmm…….Oh, wow.
Max: What are you reading, Kathy?
Kathy: I’m reading the Real Estate section of the newspaper.
I’m looking at the houses for sale.
Max: You’re thinking about buying a house?
Kathy: Well, sort of.
Right now I’m just looking.
Max: See anything interesting?
Kathy: Yes, here’s a beautiful house.
It’s my dream home.
Look at this picture!
Max: Mmm, yes. That’s a beautiful old home.
Four bedrooms. And it’s close to Washington.
It’s probably expensive.
Kathy: Yes. Look at the price.
Max: (surprised) Wow. That is expensive!
Kathy: Yes. It really is just a dream.
Saly: Overview about this story interlude
SFX: Elizabeth entering
Eliz: Hi, Max, Kathy. Hello, Larry....
Saly: Lao Closing.
NDE Closing
Kathy: Well, our time is up. So until next time...
This is Kathy.
Max: And this is Max.
Kathy: Good luck in your English studies!
Kathy and Max: Good-bye.