Our Cars Are too Expensive to Be Competative in Asia

VOA Station ID

Functioning In Business, FIB 9A-6

Saly: Lao Opening

FIB Opening

Larry: Alri-i-i-ght. Ready for Functioning in Business. Cue Music...

FIB Opening

Language Focus: Questions Based on FIB Dialog

Larry: Questions.

Larry: Listen to the question, then listen to the dialog.

Saly(Lao): Listen to the question, then listen to the dialog.

Eliz: Where has Federal Motors been more successful, Europe or Asia?

(short pause)

Chapman: We’ve done quite well in Europe over the years.

But we’ve had some problems in Asia.

Eliz: What kind of problems?

Chapman: Our cars are too expensive to be competitive in Asia.

Eliz: Where has Federal Motors been more successful, Europe or Asia?


(pause for answer)

Eliz: They’ve been more successful in Europe.

(short pause)

Larry: Listen to the question, then listen to the dialog.

Saly(Lao): Listen to the question, then listen to the dialog.

Eliz: Why did Mr. Chapman schedule a meeting with Mr. Blake?

(short pause)

Chapman: We have to increase production efficiency so that we can reduce our prices there.

So that’s why I scheduled a meeting with Mr. Blake last year.

I wanted to learn more about his company’s robots.

Eliz: Why did Mr. Chapman schedule a meeting with Mr. Blake?


(pause for answer)

Eliz: He wanted to learn more about the robots made by Mr. Blake’s company.

(short pause)


Culture Tips: Internet

Larry: Culture Tips

Saly(Lao): Culture Tips

This Culture Tip answers the question: is “Why are Americans in business so crazy about the Internet?”

· the World Wide Web Lao translation

· a website Lao translation

Using e-mail is much cheaper and more convenient than regular mail. Lao translation

Eliz: Welcome once again to “Culture Tips” with Gary Engleton.

Today, our e-mail question is “Why are Americans in business so crazy about the Internet?”

Gary: Well, I would say that there are two main reasons.

First, people use the Internet to send e-mail.

Using e-mail is much cheaper and more convenient than regular mail.

Eliz: Right! You don’t have to print a letter, put it into an envelope, and mail it.

Gary: And you don’t have to pay for postage.

So you save time and money.

Eliz: What’s the second reason?

Gary: The second reason Americans love the Internet is the amount of information on the World Wide Web.

Websites provide the newest information about business products and services.

That’s why more and more people go to company websites for information.

It’s easier than trying to find a trade journal with the same information.

Eliz: It sounds as if companies can work more cheaply and quickly by using the Internet!

Gary: That’s it exactly!

Eliz: Thanks for your information, Gary.

Saly: Brief overview in Lao Gary's culture tips.