Lao Heritage Foundation-A Musical Journey Through Laos

As we all know, the United States of America is a melting pot of many different ethnicities coming from around the globe, which makes America unique. And America has encouraged each one of its ethnic groups to treasure and cherish their own roots and heritage. With no exception, Laotian-Americans throughout the country have tried, through their organizations, to maintain their harmonious culture and traditions, and preserve them for younger generations.

One such organization, the Laotian Heritage Foundation of Laotian-Americans in the Washington Metropolitan area recently held a cultural night called “A Musical Journey Through Laos,” in Arlington, VA, to expose Lao culture to the American mainstream and to raise fund for its activities to preserve Lao traditions for the next Lao-American generations. Currently, the Lao Heritage Foundation offers classes on Lao musical instruments such as the Kaen, Sor, Lanaad and others, taught by highly-respected teachers such: Ajan Thongtanh Souvannaphanh of Arlington, Virginia, and Ajan Bounseung Synanonh of Fresno, California.

In addition to veteran Laotian traditional musicians performing that night, other participants included Lao classical dance groups from Rhode Island and the state of Washington. LFH will hold another cultural night in Seattle, Washington, on October 3, 2007.”

Listen to audio for more details.