Laos Today: Lao Hmongs in Thailand at Increasing Risk of Contracting Infectious Diseases

The more than 6 thousand Hmong refugees who have been living in make- shift shelters along both sides of the road to Ban Houai Namkhao in Khao Kor District, Thailand's Phetchaboon Province, are facing starvation because of inadequate food aid and delayed food shipments.

The Hmong refugees have been receiving food aid from a Christian group and from Doctors Without Borders at an average rate of two kilograms of rice per person per week. But their food aid shipments were delayed for three weeks before they resumed last week.

And as the rainy season is upon them, their over-crowded living condition is making it riskier for them to contract infectious diseases.

Their future is still uncertain because Thai authorities consider them illegal aliens and try to send them back to Laos, but Lao officials say they are Thai Hmongs and therefore are Thailand's internal problem.

Listen to our audio report for more on the plight of these Hmong refugees.