Iraq's head of Parliament says Shi'ite Muslims and Kurds have agreed on a revised draft constitution after considering Sunni concerns, and are awaiting a response from leaders of the nation's Sunni Muslims.
The U.S. military in Iraq says it has freed nearly one-thousand detainees from Abu Ghraib prison.
European and Chinese negotiators have begun a third day of talks in Beijing aimed at resolving a trade dispute that has left millions of Chinese-made garments stranded at European ports.
India and Russia have announced their largest-ever joint military exercises in mid-October with a focus on anti-terrorism combat.
France's top terrorism investigator says al-Qaida may be preparing an attack on a major Asian or Pacific financial center such as Tokyo, Sydney, or Singapore
Malaysian health officials say they will stockpile supplies of an anti-flu drug as a precaution against any outbreak of deadly bird-flu virus.
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