“The ability to keep sources confidential is essential to the practice of
journalism, and it’s very difficult for journalists to be able to do their job,
which is upholding democracy and ensuring that the government is
transparentand accountable if they’re not allowed to keep their sources
Confidential means to keep a secret. Sometimes journalists keep
secret the namesof their sources to prevent them from getting into
trouble. Friends also keep information confidential.
Now, when you hear the word confidential,
you will know what this News Word means.
Find us, and friend us, on Facebook, VOA Learning English.
Welcome to the Voice of America’s News Words.
Here is a story about journalists keeping secret the names of people
who give them information.
Confidential(6) ນີ້ແມ່ນເລື້ອງກ່ຽວກັບພວກນັກຂ່າວເກັບຮັກສາຊື່ຄົນ ຜູ້ທີ່ໃຫ້ຂໍ້ມູນ
ແມ່ນຄຳວ່າ Confidential.
“The ability to keep sources confidential is essential to the practice of
journalism, andit’s very difficult for journalists to be able to do their job,
which is upholding democracy and ensuring that the government is
transparent and accountable if they’re not allowed to keep their
sources confidential.”
ລອງຟັງຄຳອະທິບາຍກ່ຽວກັບຄຳສັບດັ່ງກ່າວນັ້ນເບິ່ງ “ຄວາມສາມາດໃນການຮັກສາ
ແຫຼ່ງຂ່າວຕ່າງໆໄວ້ເປັນຄວາມລັບ ແມ່ນເລື້ອງຈຳເປັນສຳລັບການປະຕິບັດງານຂອງ
ວົງການການຂ່າວສານ ແລະກໍເປັນສິ່ງທີ່ຍາກຫຼາຍ ສຳລັບນັກສື່ຂ່າວ ທີ່ຈະໃຫ້ເຂົາ
ເຈົ້າສາມາດເຮັດວຽກຂອງພວກເຂົາເຈົ້າໄດ້ໃນການຍົກສູງປະຊາທິປະໄຕ ແລະ
ເພື່ອໃຫ້ແນ່ໃຈວ່າ ລັດຖະບານເປັນລັດຖະບານທີ່ໂປ່ງໄສແລະເປັນຜູ້ຮັບຜິດຊອບ
Confidential means to keep a secret. ຄຳວ່າ confidential ແປວ່າ ເກັບຮັກ
ສາຄວາມລັບໄວ້.Sometimes journalists keep secret the names of their
sourcestoprevent them fromgetting into trouble ລາງເທື່ອ ພວກນັກສຶ່ຂ່າວ
ຫາ. Friends also keep information confidential. ນອກຈາກນັ້ນແລ້ວ
ພວກໝູ່ຄູ່ເພື່ອນຝູງດ້ວຍກັນ ກໍຈະເກັບຮັກສາຄວາມລັບຂອງກັນແລະກັນໄວ້ຄືກັນ.
Now, when you hear the word confidential,
you will know what this News Word means. ເທື່ອໜ້າ ເວລາທ່ານໄດ້ຍິນ
ຄຳວ່າ confidential ອີກ ທ່ານກໍຈະຮູ້ດີ ວ່າມັນມີຄວາມໝາຍແນວໃດ.
Find us, and friend us, on Facebook, VOA Learning English. ຢ່າລືມ
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