Sixteen year-old Alexandra, or Thidavanh Bounxouei, is a new phenomenon in the entertainment scene in Laos.
She introduced her debut album “Dream” to the people of Vientiane in a three-day concert on the 16th, 17th, and 18th of September 2002, organized by Lao Art Media, her recording company. Needless to report, the singer was warmly received.
Alexandra has artists' blood in her veins. She is the daughter of Bounthavixay and Iordanka Bounxouei, both graduates of a music academy in Bulgaria; Alexandra herself plays a violin. She is also the grand-daughter of Mr. Bounthamaly Bounxouei, the reknown Lao songwriter who wrote many famous Lao classics, such as “The Rose of Pakse.”
Although part-Bulgarian, Alexandra sings beautifully and flawlessly in Lao, delivering her songs in a style befitting her age. VOA's Lao Service recently featured Alexandra in its “Lao Music from Overseas.”
This program aired on October 20, 2002.