Functioning in Business, FIB 11B-8
Saly: ວິທຍຸວີໂອເອຂໍສເນີບົດຮຽນພາສາອັງກິດ Functioning in Business.
FIB Opening
Saly: ທ່ານນັກສຶກສາທັງຫຼາຍ ມື້ນີ້ເຮົາຈະຂຶ້ນຕົ້ນບົດຮຽນຂອງເຮົາດ້ວຍການຟັງຄວາມຮູ້ພິເສດຈາກ Gary.
Gary's Tips: Clarifying
Larry: Gary's Tips.
Saly: ຄວາມຮູ້ພິເສດຈາກ Gary.
Saly: ສຳລັບຄວາມຮູ້ພິເສດເທື່ອນີ້ Gary ຈະມາໂອ້ລົມກັບພວກເຮົາກ່ຽວກັບວິທີສ້າງຄວາມກະຈ່າງແຈ້ງ. ເຊີນຟັງ.
Eliz: Now it's time for Gary's Tips with Gary Engleton!
Gary: Hello, Elizabeth! Today I'll be talking about different ways to confirm and clarify information.
At the beginning of today's Business Dialog, Mr. Telleman confirms his understanding by using the expressions "I was told" and "my understanding is..."
Let's listen.
Marvin: Ms. Chang, I was told that you arrange industrial tours.
Rebecca: Yes, that's correct.
Marvin: And my understanding is that you can arrange visits to Chinese toy factories.
Rebecca: Yes. We've done many tours of toy factories for foreign business people.
Gary: This part of the Business Dialog is very similar to Mr. Chapman's conversation with Mr. Blake.
Let's listen.
Chap: My understanding is that the English service manuals will be ready in three weeks.
Blake: Actually, we'll have them for you in two.
Chap: Excellent!
And Dave said that you could send some English-speaking technicians to train our engineers. Is that correct?
Gary: Later in the Business Dialog, Mr. Telleman talks about "traditional toys."
Ms. Chang asks for clarification with the question: "What do you mean by "traditional?"
And she asks him to give examples.
Marvin: They're particularly interested in traditional toys.
Can you arrange that?
Rebecca: What do you mean by 'traditional'?
Can you give me some examples?
Marvin: Uh, well, I mean dolls, toy cars, and so on.
That kind of thing.
Gary: It is important in business to ask for clarification and examples, when necessary.
I hope the expressions we discussed today will help you communicate in English.
We'll see you again next time!
Eliz: Thanks, Gary!
Saly: ເຊີນຟັງຄວາມເວົ້າຕໍ່ໄປນີ້ອີກຈັກບາດທ່ານ different ways to confirm and clarify information. ເຮົາຈະແປຄວາມເວົ້າດ່ັງກ່າວນີ້ວ່າ: ວິທີຕ່າງໆທ່ີ່ຈະສ້າງຄວາມຄັກແນ່ແລະສ້າງຄວາມກະຈ່າງແຈ້ງ. ເຊີນຟັງປໂຍກທ່ີມີຄວາມເວົ້າທ່ີວ່ານີ້ອີກທ່ານ.
Gary: Today I'll be talking about different ways to confirm and clarify information.
Saly: to confirm ແປວ່າເວົ້າຢ້ຳ ເວົ້າຕ່ື່ມເພ່ືອໃຫ້ຄວາມແນ່ໃຈ ຫຼືສ້າງຄວາມແນ່ນອນ. ຄຳ
ວ່າ clarify, c l a r i f y, clarify, ແປວ່າສ້າງຄວາມກະຈ່າງແຈ້ງ ຫຼືຄວາມແຈ້ງຂາວ.
Gary: Today I'll be talking about different ways to confirm and clarify information.
Saly: Gary ໄດ້ອະທິບາຍສູ່ພວກເຮົາຟັງວ່າ ຢູ່ໃນບົດໂອ້ລົມທາງທຸຣະກິດທ່ີພວກເຮົາໄດ້ຟັງຜ່ານໄປ ທ່ານ Telleman ໃຊ້ສຳນວນ "I was told" ກັບສຳນວນ "my understanding is …" ເພ່ືອສະແດງໃຫ້ຮູ້ຄັກແນ່ວ່າ ເພ່ິນຮູ້ເພາະມີຄົນເວົ້າສູ່ເພິ່ນ ຟັງ ແລະເພ່ິນເຂົ້າໃຈດີວ່າ ນາງ Chang ເປັນຜູ້ຈັດແຈງການນຳທ່ຽວ. ລອງຟັງບົດລົມພາກສ່ວນນີ້ອີກເບິ່ງທ່ານ.
Marvin: Ms. Chang, I was told that you arrange industrial tours.
Rebecca: Yes, that's correct.
Marvin: And my understanding is that you can arrange visits to Chinese toy factories.
Rebecca: Yes. We've done many tours of toy factories for foreign business people.
Saly: ເອົາລະເໜາະທ່ານມື້ນີ້ ເວລາເຮາພ້ໍກັນເທື່ອໜ້າຈ່ຶງຮຽນຕ່ືມ.
FIB Closing
Eliz: Well, our time is up. Tune in again next time for Functioning in Business. See you then!