ລິ້ງ ສຳຫລັບເຂົ້າຫາ

ວັນສຸກ, ໐໓ ມັງກອນ ໒໐໒໕

Julie Has a Big Backyard and her Own Vegetable Garden

Functioning in Business, FIB 10D-6

FIB VOA Jingle

Saly: ວິທຍຸວີ​ໂອ​ເອຂໍ​ສ​ເນີ​ບົດຮຽນ​ພາສາ​ອັງກິດ Functioning In Business.

ທ່ານນັກຮຽນ​ນັກ​ສຶກສາ​ທັງ​ຫຼາຍ. ​ແຕ່ກ່ອນ​ເຮົາ​ຈະ​ຂຶ້ນ​ຕົ້ນ​ບົດຮຽນ

Functioning In Business ມື້​ນີ້ ​ເຮົາ​ຈະ​ພາ​ທ່ານ​ຟັງ​ບົດ​ສົນທະນາ​ນອກ​ເວລາ​

ອອກ​ອາກາດລະຫວ່າງ Max ກັບ Kathy

Story Interlude: A Barbecue

Larry: OK... and we’re off the air.

Max: Thanks, Larry.

So, Kathy, I didn’t have a chance to ask. How was your weekend?

Kathy: It was great.

On Saturday, I went shopping.

And on Sunday, I went to a barbecue .

Max: That sounds nice.

It was a beautiful day.

Kathy: Yes, it was.

We had a great barbecue:

We cooked hamburgers and hot dogs.

And we had potato salad, and some beer.

And some ice cream for dessert.

Max: Was this at your place, Kathy?

Kathy: Oh, no.

This was at my friend Julie’s place.

She has a big backyard and her own vegetable garden.

Max: That sounds great.


Elizabeth entering

Eliz: Hi, Max, Kathy.

Hello, Larry.

Well, I guess it’s time to get started.

Max: OK.

See you later.

Saly: ເປັນ​ຈັ່ງ​ໃດ​ທ່ານ ການ​ສົນທະນານອກ​ເວລາ​ສອນ​ ລະ​ຫວ່າງ ​ແມັກ​ສ ກັບ ​ແຄ​ທີ້

ເມ່ືອ​ກີ້​ນີ້? ທ້າຍ​ສັປດາ​ແລ້ວ​ນີ້ ​ນາງ ແຄ​ທີ້ບອກ​ພວກ​ເຮົາ​ວ່າ​ລາວ​ໄດ້​ເຮັດ​ຫຽັງ​ແດ່.

Kathy: On Saturday, I went shopping.

And on Sunday, I went to a barbecue .

Saly: ລາວ​ເວົ້າ​ວ່າ ວັນ​ເສົາ ລາວ​ໄປ​ຫາ​ຊື້​ເຄື່ອງຂອງ​ ​

On Saturday, I went shopping.

To go shopping ແປ​ວ່າ​ໄປ​ຊື້​ສ່ິງ​ຂອງ. ວັນ​ອາທິດ ​ ລາວ​ໄປ​ກິນ​ບາ​ບິ​ຄິວ

And on Sunday, I went to a barbecue .

To go to a barbecue ແປ​ວ່າ​ໄປ​ກິນ​ເຂົ້າ​ແບບ​ມີ​ປີ້ງ​ມີ​ຈ່ີ​.

Barbecue, b a r b e c u e, barbecue,ໝາຍອາຫານ​ປະ​ເພດ​ປີ້ງ ​ເຊັ່ນໄກ່​ປີ້ງ​,

ຊີ້ນ​ປີ້ງ, ໝູ​ປີ້ງ, ປາ​ປີ້ງ ​ແລະ​ອື່ນໆ.

Larry: Alri-i-i-ght. Ready for Functioning in Business. Cue Music...

FIB Opening FIB MUSIC lead-in and then background

Eliz: Hello, I’m Elizabeth Moore.

Welcome to Functioning in Business!

MUSIC swells and fades

Larry: Functioning in Business is an intermediate level business English course

with a focus on American business practices and culture.

Today’s unit is “Negotiations, Part 4.”

This program focuses on Confirming Information.

Saly: ບົດຮຽນ Functioning in Business

ເປັນບົດຮຽນ ​ພາສາ​ອັງກິດ​ທາງ​ທຸຣະກິດ​ຂັ້ນ​ກາງ​ທ່ີ​ເພັ່ງ​ເລງ​ໃສ່​ການ​ປະຕິບັດ​ທາງ​ ທຸຣະກິດ​ຂອງ​ ຊາວ​ອະ​ເມຣິກັນ​ແລະວັທນະ​ທັມ​ອະ​ເມຣິກັນ. ຫົວ​ຂໍ້​ຂອງ​ບົດຮຽນ​ຂອງ​ເຮົາ​ມື້​ນີ້​ແມ່ນ ​

“Negotiations, Part 4.”

ແປ​ວ່າ “ການ​ເຈຣະຈາ​ກັນ ຕອນ​ທີ 4” ບົດຮຽນ​ນີ້​ຈະ​ເພັ່ງ​ເລງ​ໃສ່​ການ​ຊ້ຳ ຫຼື​ເວົ້າ​ຢ້ຳຄວາມ​ເພ່ືອ​ສ້າງ​ ຄວາມ​ໝັ້ນ​ໃຈ.


Interview: Blake

Larry: Interview

Saly: ອັນ​ດັບ​ຕໍ່​ໄປ​ເຊີນ​ຟັງ​ບົດ​ສຳພາດ​ບົດ​ນ່ຶງ.

Eliz: Today, we are talking again to Charles Blake.


Phone beep

Eliz: Hello, Mr. Blake.

Blake: Hello.

It’s good to be on the show again!

Eliz: We’re listening again to your conversation with Mr. Gomez.

Mr. Gomez asked you a number of questions about training and


Blake: Uh, hmm.


He also wanted some information from other companies... from

companies that had used our robots.

Eliz: Let’s listen to that conversation.


Dialog: FIB Dialog,

Blake and Gomez

Larry Dialog

Saly: ບັດນີ້​ເຮົາ​ມີ​ບົດ​ສົນທະນາ​ປະຈຳ​ວັນ​ມາ​ໃຫ້​ທ່ານ​ຟັງ.

Larry: asks Mr. to send performance records for the robots.

Saly: ໃນ​ບົດ​ສົນທະນາ​ດ່ັງກ່າວທ່ານ​ຈະ​ໄດ້​ຍິນ​ວ່າ ທ່ານ Mr. Gomez

ຂໍ​ໃຫ້ທ່ານ Blake ສົ່ງບັນທຶກ​ການ​ປະຕິບັດ​ວຽກ​ງານ​ຂອງ​ຫຸ່ນ​ຍົນ​ໃຫ້​ເພ່ິນ​ເບິ່ງ.

Could you get those off to me within a few weeks?

ແປ​ວ່າ​ເຈົ້າ​ພໍ​ຊິ​ສົ່ງ​ມາ​ໃຫ້​ຂ້ອຍ​ເບ່ິງ​ໄດ້​ພາຍ​ໃນ​ສອງ​ສາມ​ອາທິດ​ໄດ້​ບໍ່? I’ll see to it.


Gomez: Uh, another concern is your performance record in Asia with these machines.

Blake: Why don’t I send you some reports on our performance, ...

on the performance of the robots in some Japanese and Korean companies who are also our clients.

And I’m sure you’ll be quite pleased with what you see.

Gomez: Okay, great.

Could you get those off to me within a few weeks?

Blake: Sure. That shouldn’t be a problem

In fact, as soon as I get back to Beijing, I’ll see to it.


Saly: ມື້​ນີ້​ເວລາ​ຂອງ​ເຮົາ​ໝົດ​ລົງ​ແລ້ວ​ທ່ານ ​ເຮົາ​ຫວັງ​ວ່າ​ຈະ​ໄດ້​ພົບ​ທ່ານ​ອີກ​ໃນ​ບົດຮຽນ​ໜ້າ.

FIB Closing
